Graphics.AresIntegration - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Integrate DOUG into the ANTARES simulation

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NOTE: This integration is now different for ANTARES > 06.6. This model integration is now coming bundled with the ANTARES sim. You will probably need to enable it in your S_define though. Search for "graphics" in your S_define and uncomment if it is commented out.

  1. Put the model interface directories in the "$CML_HOME/models/graphics/doug" directory.

  2. change into the "$CML_HOME/libraries/lib_${TRICK_HOST_CPU}" directory (make it if it doesn't exist).

    cd $CML_HOME/libraries/lib_${TRICK_HOST_CPU}

  3. Link in the library files into this directory by typing

    ln -s $CML_HOME/models/graphics/doug/lib/libd_comm_tc.a ln -s $CML_HOME/models/graphics/doug/lib/libdsp.a

  4. Link in the sim definition module

    cd $CEV_HOME/sims/S_modules/common ln -s $CML_HOME/models/graphics/doug/sim_side/S_modules/

  5. Add the following to the top of the S_define

    /* Graphics calculation and drive frequency */ #define GRAPH 0.02

  6. Add the following to the end of the S_define:

    /* ======================================================================= / / ================== Graphics Sim Object ================== / / ======================================================================= */ #define DOUG_ASCENT_CONFIG #include "S_modules/common/"

(Note: change the #define to DOUG_ORBIT_CONFIG or DOUG_ENTRY_CONFIG for those sims.)

  1. make spotless and rebuild

    cd make spotless CP

  2. Link in RUN time data:

    cd Modified_data ln -s $CML_HOME/models/graphics/doug/sim_side/Modified_data/graphics cd ../Log_data ln -s $CML_HOME/models/graphics/doug/sim_side/Log_data/* .

  3. Integrate input data into run. Add the following to the RUN input file you wish to use (hint: we normally copy the run directory to the same name with a "_doug" suffix added. This helps avoid confusion and is also used by some scripts to pull in recorded data into a DOUG installation more easily.):

    #define LOG_CYCLE 0.02 #include "Modified_data/graphics/graphics_cev_ascent.d" #include "Log_data/log_graphics_ascent.d"

Again, customize the your sim type: ascent, orbit, or entry.

NOTE: If you want to run with comm to DOUG so that graphics run realtime with the sim, do the following:

  1. Set the "DOUG_HOME" environment variable to the DOUG dir and source the environment:

    setenv DOUG_HOME <path_to_doug_directory> source ${DOUG_HOME}/.doug_cshrc

  2. Add the following to your input file: = True;

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