Graphics.LimitParametersOfANode - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
Limit Parameters of a Node
« Using the doug cmd tcl command | EDGE User’s Guide | Adding a camera with a fixed field of view »
Sometimes you may want to restrict a DOF in a node to certain values. This is done with the "limit" sub-command of "doug.node".
Using the command with no interval argument limits the parameter to the current setting. Using the "-interval" argument, you can specify a range of valid values.
For example:
# Restrict the zoom of the example_cam camera to the current setting
doug.node example_cam limit -cam_zoom
# Restrict the pitch of the node "TEMP" between 0.0 and 180.0
doug.node TEMP limit -pitch -interval 0.0 180.0
« Using the doug cmd tcl command | EDGE User’s Guide | Adding a camera with a fixed field of view »