Page Index - isir/greta GitHub Wiki
97 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Greta: Embodied Conversational Agent
- What is Greta
- Demonstration
- Content of the wiki pages
- Communication ports (Last updated: 2 October, 2024)
- List of ports
- Note
- Previous project
- Others
- Add Boundaries Automatically
- Add Object in the Environment
- Appreciation Generator
- ASR Flipper2.0 MeaningMiner Integration Demo
- AutodeskCharacters
- Automatic gestures
- AzureTTS
- Back channels
- Baseline
- Basic Configuration
- BehaviorRealizer
- Blinking
- Build the java projects
- CereProcTTS
- Create a new virtual character
- Creating a Greta Module in Java
- Creating an Instance for Interaction
- DeepASR Module
- DeepGram
- Disco
- Dynamicline
- Environment
- Environment Editor
- Expressivity Parameters
- FaceLibraryViewer
- Feedbacks
- From text to FML
- Gaze
- Gaze behavior in a group
- Generating New Facial expressions
- Generating New Gestures
- Generating new Hand configurations
- Gesture
- Gesture Editor
- Gesture Naming
- Greta Architecture
- Greta Furhat Interface
- Greta on smartphone project
- GretaUnity
- Head
- Head, Shoulder and Torso
- How to use NetBeans with Greta
- IAVA for Adaptive Behavior Generation
- Idle behavior
- Incrementality
- Installing the speech synthesizer
- Interruptions
- Keyframe Animation Pipeline
- LLM DeepASR incremental integration
- LLM DeepASR integration
- LLM module
- MaryTTS
- MeaningMiner
- Microphone
- Microsaccade
- Mistral
- Mistral incremental
- Modular application
- Modular.xml
- Motion Capture to BAP values
- Multi Agent Model
- My Presenting Avatar
- Noise
- NVBG (Nonverbal behavior generator)
- Open Face 1 integration
- Open Face 2 integration
- Projects
- Quick demo
- Quick start
- Rest Pose
- Shore
- Shoulders
- Signal
- Speech Recognizer
- SSI Greta Integration
- Standing balance
- Text to speech, TTS
- TopicPlanner
- Torso
- Torso Editor Interface
- Turn Management (Backchannel)
- Video Capture