From text to FML - isir/greta GitHub Wiki

The FMLAnnotator module allows to write a simple text, or open a file where this text is stored, and translate it in an FML file that can be sent to the virtual agent and performed by it.

The only connection required is from the FMLAnnotator to the BehaviorPlanner.

From the figure below can be possible to see the interface of the FMLAnnotator module.

The text can be written directly on the textbox at the left or opening a file (Open Button to select the file). Then select the language(EN or FR) and push the Annotate button to have the FML message.


  • chose the language before push the annotate button
  • the text can be changed how many times wanted as well pushing the Annotate button to change the text in the FML

The interface contains:

  • Open button: to select the file with the text
  • Annotate button: to translate the text in the textbox at the left in the FML file displayed in the textbox at the right
  • Language combobox: the agent can speak in english or in french
  • show TM (not implemented)
  • show pause (not implemented)
  • show boundaries (not implemented)
  • show DA (not implemented)