BML - isir/greta GitHub Wiki

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Element: <head></head>
Time Markers: start, attack, sustain, end
Attributes: id, lexeme (Shake, Nod or Tilt), repetition

The lexeme attribute is usefull when no references are given. Greta will thus match the first signal in the library using the given lexeme.

<head end="2" id="p1_0" lexeme="nod" start="0">
	<description priority="1" type="gretabml">


The gestures have been extended in Greta with expressivity parameters. Therefore, when using a gesture in Greta, we are using the following extended BML description.

<gesture id="g01" lexeme="performative=refuse_Ges_L" start="2" end="5">
	<description priority="1" type="gretabml">


<greta:torso xmlns:greta="gretaNameSpace" end="10" id="torso1"
	lexeme="BackwardSagittalRightLateral" start="0.000">
	<description priority="1" type="gretabml">


Standard BML does not allow for defining shoulders movements. For this reason the tag shoulders has been added. The shoulders movement can defined along two axes.

ELEMENT: <shoulders></shoulders>
SYNC POINTS: start, attackPeak, relax, end, Core extensions overshoot
ATTRIBUTES: id, lexeme, amount, repetition, side, sync attributes
<bml xmlns="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:greta="" character="Greta" id="bml1">
	<shoulder id="sh1" start="1.0" end="3.0" lexeme="up" side="both" amount="1">
Example: Raise both arms for 2 seconds.

Attribute Details:

Attribute Type Use Default Description
lexeme closedSetItem required One of [UP|FRONT|BACK|SHAKE]
amount float 1 intensity
repetition int 1 number of repetitions for shake
side closedSetItem both One of [left|righ|both]

BML FileReader

This module is a SignalEmitter that reads a BML file and translate it into Signals.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️