Environment Editor - isir/greta GitHub Wiki

Between the Greta modules there is the Env Editor, Environment Editor. It shows all the objects and agents in the virtual environment. Selecting one of the single object or agents, it is possible edit the position, scale, orientation and size. If you see the figure below, you can see that the window is divided in three parts:

  • the list of everything contained in the environment;
  • the node where is shown the position, orientation, scale and id of the object selected in the list;
  • the node where is shown the size, reference and id of the object


To enable the position, orientationa and scale part you should click on the folder with the name of the object you want to edit (like in the figure below).


To enable the part to edit the size, you should select the object inside the folder you first selected to edit position, orientation and scale (see figure below )


Thanks to the environment editor it is possible see in real time (via the PlayerOgre module connected to the environment module) the modifications in position, orientation, scale and so edit how you want the environment. These modifications can be saved: to the left top of the windows, click on File/Save or /Save as.