Gesture Editor - isir/greta GitHub Wiki

(Original Author: Dr. Jing HUANG)

This page shows the module about GestureEditorModule in Greta System.
It is used to build your proper Gestures (then defining in XML file).


  • Arm position defines the gesture arm position by Symbolic value in gesture space.
  • Hand Shape defines the hand shape key frame which is already defined in library.
  • Hand Orientation defines the hand orientation by using different combination of directions.
  • Curve Trajectory defines the trajectory for arm gesture by adding new key frames on the path.
  • Expressive parameter defines the expressivity that can influence the variation of a whole gesture.

Arm position

the gesture space using symbolic representations in 3 dimensions by McNeill sectors

  • X: XEP, XP, XC, XCC, XOppC
  • Y: YUpperEP, YUpperP, YUpperC, YCC, YLowerC, YLowerP, YLowerEP
  • Z: ZNear, ZMiddle, ZFar

Expressive parameter

We define the expressivity as the manner of executing the gestures
We have modulated the quality of body movements by a set of expressivity parameters
We group these parameters into 3 sets:

  • Gesture Volume controls the spatial variation of gestures;
  • spatial parameter controls the variation of McNeill's sectors
  • openness parameter changes the gesture form (elbow space) in IK
  • Sequential Variation controls the time based variation;
    • Power uses various easing in-out functions
  • Power Variation allows us to further control the dynamism of these movements.
    • Power also changes the postures. It means that a larger value of power influences more body parts.
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