DeepASR Module - isir/greta GitHub Wiki
An ASR can be used to communicate orally with greta, the DeepASR module implements an interface between Greta and a python AST
Intergrated ASRs
Currently only DeepGram is implemented
Create a new DeepASR module
To create a new DeepASR module,
- Create a class in the auxiliary project DeepASR that extends DeepASRFrame
- Create a new folder in Common/Data/DeepASR/{Yourmodelname} Copiyng the files in Common/Data/DeepASR/DeepGram
- Modify the copy of with the code to access your LLM model, the final answer should be printed by your python module after "Speech Final:"
- Modify requirements.txt with your requirements
- Modify and init_env.bat with a new conda environment name
- In the java class, initiate the strings DeepASR_python_env_checker_path, DeepASR_python_env_installer_path ,python_asr_path with the appropriate relative paths
- Add your new Module in Modular.xml