Modular.xml - isir/greta GitHub Wiki
Greta Modular is a program which implements an agent without coding, but graphically.
All menus, modules, connectors and styles are defined in an XML file named gretaModular.xml (defined by this XSD).
The base content of this file is (in any order) :
<!-- menu gives access to modules from the GUI -->
<!-- list of all modules that can be used -->
<!-- list of libraries and their dependencies -->
<!-- list of how to connect and disconnect modules -->
<!-- list of styles -->
Simply add a new markup <lib>
in <libs>
This markup needs 2 attributes :
id : an unique identifier inside
- path : the relative path of the library from gretaModular
<lib id="greta_util" path="./Common/Lib/Internal/Util.jar" />
markup in <lib>
.Only one attribut :
- lib_id : the identifier of the library that it depends
<lib id="greta_intentions" path="./Common/Lib/Internal/Intentions.jar" >
<depends lib_id="greta_util" />
A library and its dependencies are loaded only if a module or a connector needs it.
First, if your module use a library that is not defined in <libs>
you need to add it.
A module is defined inside <modules>
by a markup <module>
3 attributs :
name : an unique identifier inside
. -
style : optional. the graphical style of the module. Default value is the style
. -
restrict : optional. the maximum occurence of this module,
means unbounded. Default value is0
may contains one markup <description>
that contains a brief description of this module.<module>
must contains one markup <object>
- class : the full class name of the object.
- lib_id : the identifier of the library where the class is defined.
may contains one markup <frame>
that define a JFrame
associated to the module.<frame>
type : the type of the frame. Values are
(permitted but<frame>
is useless in this case),object
(the object is also theJFrame
) orframe
(in this only case, the folowing attributs class and lib_id must be specified). -
class : the full class name of the frame. Required and used only when
. -
lib_id : the identifier of the library where the class is defined. Required and used only when
. -
windowed_only : optional. says if the frame must be always in an external window. Default value is
. Should be set totrue
in case of extreme necessity, otherwise don't use it.
may contains a <link>
markup when type="frame"
. <link>
- method : the name of the method that links object and frame.
on : Defined the object on which the method is called. Values are
. The other will be used as an implicit argument of the method.
may contains an undefined number of markup <parameter>
. They are used to save some usefull values.<parameter>
- name : the name of the parameter.
type : the type of the parameter. Values are
. - default : the default value. It must be consistent with the type.
- set_method : the name of the method by which the parameter is set.
set_on : the object on which the
method is called. Values areobject
. - get_method : the name of the method by which the parameter is get.
get_on : the object on which the
method is called. Values areobject
<module name="LogPrinter" style="DEFAULT" restrict="1" >
<object class="greta.core.util.log.LogPrinter" lib_id="greta_modular" />
can be instanciated only once (restrict="1"
). When it is instancated, two objects are created :
- an instance of the class
defined in the library calledgreta_modular
. - a cell in the graph with the style called
exemple 2 :
<module name="LogFrame" style="DEFAULT" >
<description>Displays the logs in a window.</description>
<object class="greta.application.modular.controls.DocOutput" lib_id="greta_modular" />
<frame type="frame" class="greta.application.modular.controls.DocOutputFrame" lib_id="greta_modular">
<link method="setDocOutput" on="frame" />
<parameter type="boolean" name="blackBackground" default="false"
set_on="frame" set_method="setBlack"
get_on="frame" get_method="isBlack" />
can be instanciated as many times as it is desired (implicit restrict="0"
). When it is instancated, three objects are created :
- an instance of the class
defined in the library calledgreta_modular
. Used as the main object. - an instance of the class
defined in the library calledgreta_modular
. Used as a frame. - a cell in the graph with the style called
boolean blackBackground = false;
// blackBackground is modified by a saved value, if there is
is get like that:
boolean blackBackground = frame.isBlack();
Limitations :
- The object and the frame must have a constructor without argue.
- The frame must extends the
class. -
methods, must have only one argue, no more no less. -
methods must have no argue.
Connectors describe how to connect two modules.
They must be added in <connectors>
by the markup <connector>
that contains two attributes :
id : an unique identifier inside
unique : Optional. says if this connector can be used only once with a specific input module. Values are
. Default value isfalse
contains four markups:<input>
- class : the full class name of the input object (inheritance is supported).
- lib_id : the identifier of the library where the class is defined.
- class : the full class name of the output object (inheritance is supported).
- lib_id : the identifier of the library where the class is defined.
- method : the name of the method of the obect specified by from that connects from and to.
from : the object where the method is called. Permitted values are
(the method will not be called in this case). -
to : the object passed in method parameter. Permitted values are
- method : the name of the method of the obect specified by from that disconnects from and to.
from : the object where the method is called. Permitted values are
(the method will not be called in this case). -
to : the object passed in method parameter. Permitted values are
<connector id="addLogOutput" >
<input class="greta.application.modular.controls.LogsController" lib_id="greta_modular" />
<output class="greta.core.util.log.LogOutput" lib_id="greta_util" />
<connect from="input" method="addLogOutput" to="output" />
<disconnect from="input" method="removeLogOutput" to="output" />
that extends greta.application.modular.controls.LogsController
with an other module module2
that extends greta.core.util.log.LogOutput
the program will call :
Limitation : the two methods must have one parameter, no more no less.
The "file" menu is not editable and contains base functionalities (new, open, save, save as).
Other menus are defined in <menus>
A menu is represented by the markup <menu>
One attribut :
name : the visible name of this menu.
or <item>
. It makes no sense to have an empty menu.
The markup <item>
has 2 attributs :
- name : the visible name of this menu item.
- module : the identifier of a module.
If the identifier is wrong or if the module is not loaded (missing library, error in module definition etc.) this item will be disable.
exemple of menu :
<menu name="Add">
<menu name="Logs">
<item module="Logs" name="Controller" />
<item module="LogPrinter" name="Log Printer" />
<item module="LogFile" name="Log File" />
<item module="BehaviorPlanner" name="Behavior Planner" />
Styles are the color of the cell represening a module. They are all stored in <styles>
The default style is define in the markup <default>
color : Optional. the color in hexadecimal. the default value is
<default color="0xFFFFFF" />
You can add an other style adding a markup <style>
in <styles>
2 attributs :
name : an unique identifier inside
. The valuedefault
is not permited (used by the style<default>
). -
color : Optional. the color in hexadecimal. the default value is
<style name="DEFAULT" color="0xCCCCFF" />
This file is used by GretaModular.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:complexType name="libdependent" >
<xs:attribute name="lib_id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="objecttype">
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<xs:element name="menu">
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<xs:enumeration value="null"/>
<xs:enumeration value="input"/>
<xs:enumeration value="output"/>
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
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<xs:enumeration value="frame"/>
<xs:complexType name="connectionmethodtype" >
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<xs:attribute name="to" type="fromto" use="required"/>
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
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<xs:enumeration value="byte"/>
<xs:enumeration value="short"/>
<xs:enumeration value="integer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="long"/>
<xs:enumeration value="float"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="string"/>
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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="object"/>
<xs:enumeration value="frame"/>
<xs:enumeration value="noFrame"/>
<xs:simpleType name="method_name" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([a-zA-Z_$]([0-9])*)*"/>
<xs:simpleType name="class_name" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([a-zA-Z_$]([0-9])*)+([.]([a-zA-Z_$]([0-9])*)+)*"/>
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<xs:field xpath="@name"/>
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<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
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<xs:element name="output" type="objecttype"/>
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<xs:attribute name="unique" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="ordered" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/><!-- TODO -->
<xs:key name="connectionid" >
<xs:selector xpath="connection"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:element name="styles" >
<xs:element ref="style" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
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<xs:selector xpath="./*"/>
<xs:field xpath="@name"/>
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<xs:selector xpath=".//*"/>
<xs:field xpath="@lib_id"/>
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<xs:selector xpath=".//*"/>
<xs:field xpath="@module"/>
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<xs:selector xpath=".//module"/>
<xs:field xpath="@style"/>
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<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
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<xs:selector xpath=".//connection"/>
<xs:field xpath="@source"/>
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<xs:selector xpath=".//connection"/>
<xs:field xpath="@target"/>