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Azure Cloud Explorer

DBeaverDevOps edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 1 revision

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Note: This feature is available in Ultimate and Team editions only.


DBeaver offers enhanced capabilities for managing and connecting to Azure databases directly from the DBeaver interface. The processes for creating and modifying connections are comprehensively detailed in the Cloud Explorer article. This guide explains the essential steps and requirements to connect to an Azure database using DBeaver.

You have to provide just the ID of the application (client) that is used for authentication and database access.

Pre-requisites for Connecting to Azure

Obtaining Client ID

Obtaining the Client_id is vital to initiating the connection to Azure. You can acquire the Client_id by registering your application with Azure. Detailed guidance for this registration process can be found in detailed Microsoft guide.

Setting up permissions

Before you connect, ensure your Azure account is assigned the right roles and permissions. Properly setting up permissions on the Azure portal can help avoid potential access issues during the connection process. For more information on configuring roles and permissions, please consult the Azure roles guide.

Connection setup

  1. Click on the Cloud Explorer button or navigate to Database -> Cloud Explorer in the menu.

  2. Navigate to the Microsoft Azure section and enter your Client_id.

  3. Click on Apply and Close. This action will save your input and close the settings window.

  4. Once you have completed the previous step, you will notice Azure configuration appear in your configurations. This means you have successfully set up your Client_id, and Azure recognizes your application.

  5. Select the database you want to connect to within the drop-down menu. This action initiates the process of connecting your selected database to DBeaver.

  6. You will be redirected to the Microsoft authentication page. Here, you need to enter your login details.

  7. After successful authentication, return to DBeaver to continue working with your connected database.

DBeaver Desktop Documentation

General User Guide

Database Management

DBeaver PRO

Databases support

Customizing DBeaver


Admin Guide

License management



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