BL2 Weapons Gear: Sniper Rifles - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Sniper Rifles
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[WEAPON]Dahl PenetratorV2, by VulpesDolosus
Adds Grenade Damage to Cobra, by johnrr6
Advancer, by Tsunami
allfremington_5-1-2mingamestage, by Kazy
AllorNothing, by Tofu
Ancient (Pitchfork Replacer), by Freya
APR, by TheRealVenom
Assassin_Railgun, by smithxn
Atlas 20mm (Call of duty Advanced Warfare Weapon), by Tsunami
BeatrixV4, by Ugyuu
Bedrum, by Aaron0000
Bessie, by Kazy
bessie, by MegaCyber151
birdCF, by Tofu
birdFF, by Tofu
BlackDoveFF, by Tofu
Brasil, by Coleby
Brendah, by TheRealVenom
Court of Nightmares, by Rhysand
Crossbow, by TheRealVenom
Daemic (Corrosive), by Kieitrio
Daemic (Fire), by Kieitrio
Daemic (Shock), by Kieitrio
Daemic MkII, by Kieitrio
Davud, by ozay3444
DBSR-50, by VoidRose
Decepti0n, by Kazy
DiseaseDarts, by ozay3444
Divider, by TheRealVenom
Dragunov, by HolyHades
Elegance, by VoidRose
Elephant Gun, by TheRealVenom
Executioner, by Kazy
Executioner, by TheRealVenom
FalconFF, by Tofu
FriendlyAoN, by Tofu
God of Mischief v3, by VariantLoki
GyroJetCobra, by WarMocK
HexTheDeathLord, by ozay3444
HighRisk-HighReward, by Greem
Hunter, by Juso
HyperCollider, by Ugyuu
Hyperion_Carnifex, by Battle-Bee
LimitBreak, by Tsunami
LONGCLAW, by TheOneArmedBandit
Longest Yard, by Aaron0000
Longnail, by Aaron0000
LyudaBuff, by Greem
lyudarename, by Greem
MaliwanGodSnipers, by Dashiku
Marksmen v2, by VariantLoki
Marquis, by Ugyuu
Master, by Zma
MLG NOSCOPR, by Tsunami
Obsidiano, by koreakid02
Omni-Cannon, by Aaron0000
Oneshot, by Yhorm
Optimiser, by TheRealVenom
Orion - BL2, by Kazy
Orion - BL2, by Jim Raven
Orion - BL2, by TheRealVenom
patch (from LazyBones.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Patience.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patriotrakehell, by MegaCyber151
Penetrator[Patriot Repacement], by Laminatesnow
Perforator, by Dalekin31
PGM_Ultima_Ratio_Hecate_II, by VoidRose
Pimpernel Customization Mod 2.1, by LollosaurusRex
Pimputcher Fist, by TheRealVenom
Plunkett, by Aaron0000
Pompeius, by ozay3444
Post Scriptum, by soze
PrismDancer, by VoidRose
Railgun, by Kieitrio
Railgunfix, by IK4MS
Ranger, by CzRSpecV
Regen Snipers - BL2, by Aaron0000
Rekr, by Mintbloke
Remove ADS Sway on Hot Mama, by HypeRabbit
REVELATION, by Reclaimer Shawn
Revelation, by silverxpenguin
REVELATIONNOP, by Reclaimer Shawn
SemiAutoDahlSnipers, by Edvartsen
Sequoia, by Rhysand
Silent Morningstar Mod 1.3, by LollosaurusRex
Skullmasher, by TheRealVenom
Sniper Acc 2 Gamble, by Ethel
SublightMK2, by Sku11k1d1998
Supremacy_purps, by Tofu
SupremacyFF, by Tofu
Swagneto, by B33PB00PJOE
Sydney Sleeper, by TheRealVenom
The Diesel, by vWolvenn
The Eridian Crossbow, by Tsunami
The lightning, by ozay3444
The lightning (None crushing), by ozay3444
The Waifu's Raifu, by Tsunami
The XxRobbieQuikscoprxX, by Tsunami
TheDragonBreath, by ozay3444
TheTalco, by ozay3444
ThornV2, by Ugyuu
Titanentoter/Titan Slayer (Amigo Sincero reskin), by Maplestruck
TobyV2, by Ugyuu
Toothprick, by Aaron0000
Trojan, by soze
Vacation, by GoldenGizzmo
VectisPrime, by CzRSpecV
Veldt, by CMD_Obvious
Velocity, by Dashiku
Viper, by Malafolf Mom
Viper, by TheRealVenom
Vladof_Revenant, by Battle-Bee
Voden's Shotbow, by kunelsanders
Volcano, by Greem
Volcano, by TheRealVenom
WH1T3 D34TH, by TheRealVenom
Whale Killer, by LightChaosman
WhiteFeather - BL2, by NIKITAzed
Widowmaker, by Tsunami
Winchester, by TheRealVenom
Zoom, by WarMocK
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