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Author: TheOneArmedBandit

Last Updated: November 25, 2017

In Categories: Sniper Rifles

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Description (from inside mod)

(no shit it's a GoT reference, genius)

First custom weapon actually good enough for release. Might have more to come at some point. Unique (cursed) Dahl sniper, because I found that the 2 special Dahl snipers were somewhat lacking. Replaces the Sloth, but also
drops from Incinerator Clayton in Frostburn Canyon.
Beneficial effect: Always spawns with a bladed attachment giving +100% melee damage. Increases fire rate, crit damage and jump height. Heavily increased projectile speed, and projectiles penetrate through targets.
Curse effect: Cannot spawn with an element. Player cannot move or jump while aiming down the sights. Slightly lackluster damage compared to other legendary/unique snipers. Fixed 9-shot magazine.

Notes: This weapon was intended for an extremely mobility-based playstyle - as you can aim while jumping without the movement penalty, your ideal play would be to jump, scope in and fire a quick burst, then unscope and finish
them off with a melee upon landing. Synergises very well with Zer0, and oddly enough, works well on a fleet-build Maya with points in Backdraft.
Fully compatible with the UCP 3, so long as you execute this mod after the patch, as it will overwrite the skin otherwise. Should work fine with other mods so long as they don't change the Tinderbox's firing mode or the Sloth.
Take note that in some cases the sanity check might get pissy and remove the gun, probably if you already had a Sloth without the blade. If that happens, gibb code for a working one is below:

Weapon Card
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