Marquis - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Ugyuu
Last Updated: June 11, 2019
In Categories: Sniper Rifles
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With help of the community.
The Bindlebane; Marquis' signature collapsible sniper rifle, fit with a custom hilt pistol for close-range engagement. Heavily augmentable.
Replaces the Rex.
Uses an "Unused" Harpoon gun firingMode, which can make it interfere with other mods.
Make sure to check for "GD_Sage_HarpoonGun.Projectile.Sage_HarpoonGun_FireMode" in other mods that you use, so they don't interact with one another.
There is a code you can activate below for if you want a more "solid gold" type skin, or want the old skin back.
It is heavily recommended to not use Vel0city or Accelerate with this weapon, as it makes the Bindleblast splitting nearly impossible.
Spawns with fixed parts, so some variations of this weapon may be removed by using this mod.