God of Mischief v3 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

God of Mischief v3

Author: VariantLoki

Last Updated: July 10, 2017

In Categories: Sniper Rifles

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Description (from inside mod)

!!!Caution: This weapon might break regular torgue pistols, the Hornet, and the Teeth of Terramorphus
---------------------------- Change Log ----------------------------
v3.2 - Damage decreased for Balencing
v3.1 - Increase splash radius slightly.
- Increased Projectile Speed
v3 - Decreased damage slightly. (Might continue to tweak this until it seems balenced enough.)
Decreased the fire rate a small bit. Mostly because the high fire rate paired with the explosions can get easily distracting.
Now locked to corrosive element! (Thank you Soze for showing me how to do that!)
Here is a Gib code for a Corrosive Chere-Ame: BL2(hwAAAADm+ACDyIFBEIEEXIJhABMJpgWMBZgcMGRg/v9LgnkEUwnm)
Sheild bypass fixed. I had the code wrong, so it technically had a 100% Chance of ignoring sheilds.
A HUGE thank you to 00TheMessiah00 for reviewing my weapon! I appriciate all your feedback!
v2 - Slowed the rate of ammo regeneration because it was a bit op from my testing.
Tweaked the skin slightly (Hardly even noticable)
Fixed the explosive splash - Before it would play the nuke animation, but do no explosive damage??This is now fixed.
v1 - Initial Release
--------------------- Weapon Information ---------------------
Replaces the ChereAme sniper rifle
Meant to represent Loki, the God of Mischief
Legendary rarity.
Deceased recoil. (Although the recoil is still pretty high if youre firing continuously)
Increased fire rate.
Still heals you for a percentage of the damage dealt.
Shots have a 50% chance to ignore enemy shields.
Ammo slowly regenerates over time.
Projectiles are incendiary and corrosive.
On impact a small nuke deals extra explosive damage.
Gave it a vladof barrel because it looked cooler.
Shiny custom skin *That took me like 2 hours.*

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