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Author: GoldenGizzmo

Last Updated: June 11, 2019

In Categories: Sniper Rifles

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Description (from inside mod)

Created by GoldenGizzmo

Replaces the Patriot
Always fires in a 3 bullet burst
Bullets deal large splash damage
Comes in all elements except non-elemental

A picture

A complete overhaul of the Patriot, the explosive style fits with Master Gee's other seraph drops, being all explosive.
The weapon is effective at all ranges, however ammo can be an issue as it always fires 3 bullets per click.
I changed the seraphs blue and silver colour scheme, being rather dull and blending in with the rest of the seraphs, so I decided to give the weapon a bright green and orange colour scheme to fit the tropical name.
The non-elemental version has been removed due it being explosive, and I think that it affects how special the explosive Cobra should be.
I think it's finally time I leave this gun alone, I've constantly changed this thing to be balance but also be viable as endgame gear.

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