Sequoia - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Rhysand
Last Updated: December 29, 2017
In Categories: Sniper Rifles
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The ultimate Jakobs sniper rifle. Designed so that most - if not all characters - can one shot trash mobs with a critical hit WITHOUT slag.
Rather powerful on Zer0. This weapon + Critical gets crazy very quickly.
Hitscan projectile speed.
Extremely low recoil.
Bypasses shields.
99.9% Accuracy.
High Base Damage.
1200% Critical Hit Damage.
Weapon Knockback.
Skin resembles a Giant Sequoia, the largest trees on Earth, located in Yosemite & Sequoia National Parks, California, USA.
Replaces Skullmaster - Farmed from Son of Mothrakk.
Use Greem's Rocket Jump mod to speed through maps quickly to get to this annoying farm, or use Gibbed.
Perfect Gibbed Code: BL2(hwAAAAAgWwCE6INBBgGFgoJZAMMKZgXMBJj//2Rg/v+3gnEEkwvm)
By Rhysand.