lyudarename - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Greem
Last Updated: July 05, 2017
In Categories: Sniper Rifles
Link to Mod File
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Renames the Lyuda to have different names from different Consoles. Put a # in front of the ones you don't want, and keep the one you want without a hash.
Xbox 360
set GD_Weap_SniperRifles.Name.Title_Vladof.Title_Legendary_Lyudmila PartName White Death
set GD_Weap_SniperRifles.Name.Title_Vladof.Title_Legendary_Lyudmila PartName Lyuda
Xbox One & PS4
set GD_Weap_SniperRifles.Name.Title_Vladof.Title_Legendary_Lyudmila PartName Lyudmila