Post Scriptum - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Post Scriptum

Author: soze

Last Updated: September 16, 2017

In Categories: Sniper Rifles

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Description (from inside mod)

Replaces the Pitchfork
Gibbed code: BL2(hwAAAABVgwCBiINBBAGFdoJJAIMKZgXMBBguMF5g/v+ngnEDcwvm)
It's locked to No-Element and Bayonet, you can change the rest :)

The name is based off of the_Nocturni, great guy and wanted to re-pay him the favor for being so helpful.
Definitely the biggest project I've worked on, and I'm super proud of it :D

Full Automatic
+150% Melee Damage
Passive shield regen when zoomed in
You take 0.5x more damage when zoomed in (so be fast)
Only the 1st bullet pierces through shields.


The 1st bullet will have an explosive splash if you hit your enemy.
The 2nd bullet will have a shock splash if you hit the ground or an shielded enemy.
The 3rd bullet will have a transfusion heal on flesh and armor.

The 2nd bullet comes after a small distance.
The 3rd bullet comes after a decent distance.

The 2nd and 3rd bullet are slower than the 1st bullet, but the 2nd and 3rd bullet are the same speed.

The 2nd bullet goes to the right
The 3rd bullet goes to the left.

The 2nd & 3rd bullet share the same particles, the 1st bullet has a different particle.

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