Page Index - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki
88 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Contriboard goes social:
- About
- Issue Status:
- Business
- Concepts
- General views and features
- Lists
- Features (for developers)
- about agile methodologies
- about api specification
- about architecture
- about communication plan
- about contriboard competitors
- about design guidelines
- about n4sjamk team
- about our workflow
- about product
- about product names
- about production environment
- about quality assurance
- about requirement specification
- about system testing results
- about system testing spring 2015
- about technologies
- about ux process
- alerts notifications
- archieved feature power user interface
- Collaborative Acceptance Testing Session 09072015
- Collaborative Testing Session 24072015
- concept board
- concept groups
- concept guest user
- concept power user
- concept user
- concept workflow
- concept workspace
- experimental product users
- feature administration
- feature authentication
- feature board image export
- feature board life cycle
- feature board sharing
- feature board user management
- feature board view
- feature bug fixes
- feature collapsing sidebar
- feature color picker
- feature default background set
- feature event log
- feature export import
- feature feedback
- feature filters
- feature guest login view
- feature guest user account management
- feature guest users
- feature landing page
- feature localization
- feature login view
- feature new relic
- feature register view
- feature ticket commenting system
- feature ticket life cycle
- feature tutorial
- feature user friendly error message
- feature user groups
- feature workspace view
- feedback process
- future feature workflow
- generic customer journey map
- latest issues on the table
- list of current competitors
- master test plan
- old contriboard roadmap 2014
- product business goals
- product business model
- product concepts
- product current progress
- product domains
- product epics and user storys
- product history and vision
- product roadmap
- product use case scenarios
- product use cases diagram
- Slugs
- Testing focus areas 24072015
- tutorial teamboard workflow
- userstory session