concept board - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki

Concept: BoardView

BoardView is the context for tickets and other various artefacts. BoardView is always owned by a registered user, and can have guests through link.


Board is a view where user and guests can create, edit and move tickets around in real time.

User can

  • edit a board

EditBoardDialog (same as WorkspaceView)

  • Edit board name
  • Edit board background
  • Generate and clear a shared URL
  • change board background
  • empty board background

Dialogs can be closed by clicking on the overlay. Changes can be persisted by clicking on Submit.

User and guest can

  • make tickets snap to grid

  • make tickets go wild

  • create tickets

  • move tickets

  • edit tickets

  • remove tickets

  • remove multiple tickets at the same time (is this necessary?)