tutorial teamboard workflow - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki

Teamboard workflow tutorial

This tutorial introduces you to our workflow and implementation of Agile methodologies using Githubs Wiki and Issue Tracker. I'm using a fictional example in this tutorial which goes through the workflow.

I assume that you are familiar with the following terms: business goal, epic/feature and user story. If these are new words for you, check out the Scaled Agile Framework!

Business goals

Shady business guy comes up with a demand 'I want users to be able to spend more money on our product!'. This is a business goal. This will be documented to business goals wiki page.

Business Goal


Marketing person comes up with a idea that we can make the users to spend more money on our product by selling Teamboard merchandise in our website. It's decided that we'll do so. Product owner (or someone else?) now comes up with a epic (or feature?) 'Merchandise shop'.

Product owner also documents this feature on the road map wiki page.


Now we can create an issue for this epic to Githubs Issue Tracker. Remember to use the EPIC label!

Epic issue

Now we should go a bit back to link the epic with the business goal.

Business goal linked

User stories

Now the product owner writes an user story issue to describe the functionality for the feature. He writes 'As a Teamboard fan I would like to be able to buy a Teamboard t-shirt because I want to have everything Teamboard related.' These user stories can be also linked to the epics. Remember the label!

User story


Then the project manager writes tasks for the teams. Tasks should have milestones also so they are easier to schedule and manage!



The idea goes a certain cycle in the workflow. It starts as an business goal or an idea which you can write a business goal from. After that it can be translated into epic(or feature). Then it should be described and specified via user stories. In the end it can be broken in a small tasks for the teams.

Usually designers and developers don't need to manage business goals, epics and sometimes not even user stories. They can work with the task issues only if they want to. Another example is a business/marketing person who does not care how things work, they only want to have those things to make money. They can work only with business goals and epics. This way the management is divided to various levels for different stakeholders.