product business goals - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki
- As a business owner I would like to select technology which is cheap to maintain
- As a business owner I would like to reduce support cost by having effective support process
- As business owner I would like to replace old user inteface with version, which is cheaper to maintain.
- We should focus on usability from Common User point of view
- As a product owner I wish to have the capacity for 10 000 simultaneous users, because the possible sharks are only interested in user bases this large.
As a business owner I see several ecosystem which are feasible to integrate our product with.
As a marketing director I wish to handle all marketing actions via the same service, because we need multichannel marketing to help us reach the user base goal.
We should enhance usability from common user point of view
When you are doing sales work possible customer are interested our product vision
- As a product owner I wish to have the capacity for 10 000 simultaneous users, because the possible sharks are only interested in user bases this large.
- As a product owner I would like get user feedback without extra costs
- We would like to get users access our product in a easy without extra hustle with registration process?
- We expect this could be valuable us as service provider?
- As a business owner I would like to enhance easy information sharing from board to outside world.
- As a business owner I would like to know who are our stakeholders, because this will clear out misunderstanding in marketing.
- As a marketing person I would like to have place to share information for possible customers.
- As a product owner I would like to include test automation to our project so we can develop better quality
- Since we can't use Temaboard in any commercial use we need to come up with a new name for our product. Before Q3 would be nice.