concept workspace - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki

Concept: WorkspaceView

WorkspaceView is the area for users where they can manage and transition between boards available to them. WorkspaceView is an abstract concept and is unique to each user.

WorkspaceView is the first view you encounter when you log in to the service as a user. There you can add, edit and remove boards. Clicking on a board should navigate the user to the corresponding BoardView.


  • Add a board
  • List boards
  • Edit a board
  • Remove a board
  • Navigate to a BoardView


  • BoardPreview will display the name of the board
  • BoardPreview will display the area as grey
  • BoardPreview will display the Minimap


  • Minimap will retain the aspect ratio of the board
  • Minimap will display the Tickets on the board


  • Edit board name
  • Edit board background
  • Generate and clear a shared URL

Dialogs can be closed by clicking on the overlay. Changes can be persisted by clicking on Submit.