about system testing spring 2015 - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki

System Testing Sprint 5

First System Testing effort for Contriboard "new" client was executed 19.3.2015

##Test Target

Our test target was a new version of Contriboard Client: React based version in GitHub

You can find it from New Contriboard Client

It's under test use only, so we are not moving it yet in production...

##Test desing

Test Desing & Planning was done by Student teams from JAMK. We used quite popular tool Testlink to organize all test cases and execution.

##Test Results

Test cases were executed first time, so there was some duplicates or unusable cases included to test plan. This test run was used to comment all cases and now we can focus to remove bad ones from test case pool.

We were executing more than 300 cases (Look results for more info)

General Metrics


Test Results as a chart

Executed Test Cases

Test Plan

Location and Groups

Testing day was organized at JAMK.

There was Six groups of students who were doing testing

System Testing

System Testing organization using paper and pen. All six groups were doing some selected test cases from test pool.

Testlink as a test management tool

All test cases were stored in Testlink tool. You can find Testlink from here

Testing Notes

All groups collected testing log and notes. This provides us more information in "free text" way.

New Relic under heavy use :)

During test period we were running New Relic monitoring services to observe server capacity and load. Dashboard was used to find a certain test cases which made a lot of unknown peak loads.