feature tutorial - N4SJAMK/teamboard-meta GitHub Wiki
Feature: Beginner tutorial
This document is about the beginner tutorial for new users.
User should be introduced to Teamboards features when he uses Teamboard for the first time
Video tutorials to youtube?
Interactive Get started-tour when signed in to Teamboard (Bootstrap tour)
Introduce new users to Teamboard by walking them through it step by step. User can decide if skip tutorial or walk it through. User can skip tutorial when ever wants by clicking darker areas outside highlighted areas.
- Get started-button in the sidebar
User can take the tour again if needed.
Tutorial flow
User signs in to Teamboard, tour starts. Every steps element is highlighted
1. Introduction
Heading: Welcome to Teamboard!
Text: This tutorial will guide you through Teamboard step by step. Ready to start?
Buttons: Skip tutorial, Start
Bullet and text: Please don't show this tutorial every time I enter Teamboard.
User actions: Push Start-button ->2., Push Skip-button ->Skips the whole tutorial.
2. Adding a new board
Heading: Add board
Text: Lets start by adding your first board. You can add a board by pushing Add board-button. So simple, aint it!
Text: You can think of a board as your brainstorming area. Make it, share it, and start brainstorming with tickets!
Buttons: Add board-button showing.
User actions: Push Add board-button ->3.
3. Add new board view
Header: Create board: name it, create it!
Text: You can choose to make your board private (only seen by you and members you've invited in) or public (anyone can see it, only members can use it).
Remember to name your board before pushing Create-button.
User actions: Writes board name. Push Add board-button ->4.
4. Entering board
Heading: You have a board, great job!
Picture of a boards actions.
Text: Push board to enter in.
User actions: Push board ->5. Push name of the board ->edit board. Push select board->selects board.
5. Inside a board. Adding a new ticket
Heading: Welcome to your board!
Text: Nice work! Now lets add a new ticket.
Buttons: Add ticket-button
User actions: Push Add ticket-button -> 6.
6. Edit ticket view
Header: Make your ticket!
Text:You can change the color. Try it!
Text:Give a nice short name for your ticket.
Text:If you want you can add a description for your ticket.
Text: Ok, now you're ready to save the ticket.
Button: Save
User actions: Push Save-button ->7. Push Cancel-button->leaves tutorial.
7. Adding a workflow template
Heading: Add a background!
Text: Here's a button for workflow templates, push it!
User actions: Push workflow-icon->8.
8. Workflow templates view
Heading: You are almost done!
Text: Select a template and push Add.
User actions: Push template, push Add-button. ->9.
9. Snap grid
Heading: Great work!
Text: You can slide your tickets in any place you want on the screen. If you want to make your tickets nicely snap in places, look for this "picture of snap-icon" icon. If you have any questions or ideas find this "user voice-icon" icon. Hope you enjoy your boards!
Buttons: End tutorial
User actions: Push End-button ->tutorial ends.