Scope; Madstate - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

<sShipName><sState><sEvent> (Information taken from HW2_Madstate.pdf)


  • These must be the same as the names of the .ship files, but in all-caps.


  • Normal Called when a ship is created.
  • Open Called when a ship is in its open or "deployed" state.
  • Closed Called when ships are no longer open or "deployed".
  • CodeRed Called when a ship tries to fire its weapons.
  • CodeGreen Called when a ship is finished firing its weapons (there's a delay before this is called)
  • ResourceStart The ship is about to start resourcing, this is called when it starts to get in position.
  • ResourceDo The ship is in latch position and harvesting.
  • ResourceEnd The ship has launched from the resource and is about to head back.
  • RepairStart The ship is about to get in position to repair something.
  • RepairDo The ship is in position and is starting to repair.
  • RepairEnd The ship has finished repairs.
  • DockPathOpen The animation linked dock path (set in the hod file) has been booked. The docking / launching ship will wait for this state to be set.
  • DockPathClosed The animation linked dock path is now free.
  • Launched The ship is fully launched.
  • Docked The ship is on the final approach for docking.
  • DefenseFieldActivate The defense field is trying to activate, the game logic will not start until this state is set.
  • DefenseFieldDeActivate The defense field is no longer active.
  • CloakFieldActivate Cloaking is trying to activate.
  • CloakFieldDeactivate Cloaking has stopped.
  • HyperspaceGateActivate Hyperspace gate is in position and trying to link with its pair.
  • HyperspaceGateDeActivate Hyperspace gate has delinked.
  • DoingFlightManeuver The ship is performing some kind of flight maneuver.
  • CaptureActive The ship has started to capture the target.
  • CaptureInActive The ship is not capturing anything.
  • NIS00 Called by the NIS.
  • NIS01 Called by the NIS.
  • NIS02 Called by the NIS.


(Information taken from HW2_Madstate.pdf)

  • OnSet Called when the specific state is set by the game code.
  • OnPause Called when the animation associated with the state pauses.
  • OnEnd Called when the animation associated with the state ends.


Page Status

Updated Formatting? Yes
Updated for HWRM? Initial

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