Wiki; Contributor Help - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

Editing Pages

On the Website

First Sign up for a GitHub account. Then you can click Edit in the upper right of any page.

In GitHub Desktop

Download the GitHub Desktop GUI application. Click File, Clone repository, select the URL tab, paste the following URL, and click Clone.

  • URL:

All the wiki pages will be downloaded to your hard drive. You can open them up in any text editor such as VS Code or Notepad++ to make changes. Once your ready to upload your changes, open GitHub Desktop. Click Fetch origin and Pull any changes from other contributors. Then click Commit to master and Push your changes to the site.

💡 Note: VS Code allows you to click internal page links to open them in the text editor. If you haven't tried it, its a big upgrade from older text editors like Notepad++.

In Another Git Application

The wiki itself is a git repository. So you can clone it with any git application, edit the text files locally/offline, and push it back to the website.

Git Command:

git clone

GitHub Formatting

This wiki uses GitHub's Markdown syntax, which is very simple and easy to use. See a tutorial HERE.

Markdown Guidelines

To ensure a consistent format accross the wiki, please follow these practices:

  • Leave 2 blank lines before each H1/H2 heading. This makes the source easier to view in a text editor.
  • For emphasis use underlines (_) rather than asterisks (*).
    • This makes mixing bold and emphasised text much clearer.
  • For bullets use dashes rather than asterisks.
  • Use lua code highlighting with the triple backtick blocks like so:
addCamera("camera2", { -5347.623, 0, -5815.865, } , { -3735.116, 2199.638, -3459.261, })  


addCamera("camera2", { -5347.623, 0, -5815.865, } , { -3735.116, 2199.638, -3459.261, })

Line Breaks

In Markdown, two spaces must be added at the end of a line to create a line break. Otherwise back to back text lines are combined into one line when rendered.

❌ Please do not use the HTML <br> tag on this wiki!

💡 Note: Its recommended to enable "render whitespace characters" in your text editor.


Hello World

Hello  (<-- two spaces)






Table of Contents Generators

To automatically generate a table of contents at the top of a long page, use one of these text editor solutions:

Image Uploading

Upload images directly to github. This ensures images don't break when third party hosting sites go down.

  1. Go to this page. Or visit any GitHub repository's issues page.
  2. Click the New issue button.
  3. Drag-and-drop an image onto the description field. This will start the uploading process and an image URL will appear in the editor. Alternatively copy the image itself to your clipboard (not the file), then paste the image into the description field.
  4. Copy the image URL to use it in a wiki page. Format ![Alt Text](Image URL)
  5. Close the page without creating a New issue.
Example of uploading image to GitHub's CDN

Page Content

⚠️ Please do not continue to use or make references to the various Reference pages, i.e Function Reference. These are unweildy and impossible to keep up-to-date. Instead, the wiki comes with a page search as well as content search (or you can search locally however if you pulled the repo to your machine).

Link to this tutorial if you think it's necessary, but reference pages are deprecated.

Pages Names

  • New pages should be named like similar existing pages. The typical format is "Category;-Page-Name".
  • Use dashes rather than spaces. The GitHub site will then display the dashes as spaces. For example name a page "Function;-addCamera" and it will display as "Function; addCamera" on GitHub.
  • Renaming a page will break links to that page. So to rename an established page, edit the wiki locally with git. Then use a text editor to update links to the page. Run a mass find a replace like so: ](OldPageName) to ](NewPageName)
    • Note: This will create a fresh page with no prior revision history.

Page Categories

Function Pages

Variable Pages


Placeholders are used when a variable or value can take many names or values. A placeholder represents a possible value. Placeholders should be surrounded by angle brackets: < and >. For example:

  • Some_Function(<arg1>, <arg2>)
  • "Player_Ships<index>"

Variable Types and Descriptions

Many pages still use hungarian notation; this is fairly harmless but also pretty unecessary. We want to be enumerating params or varibles clearly with tables with name, type, and description headers, or something to that effect. See pages like SobGroup_SetInherentVisibility, Variable; Visibility, or Variable; Commands.

General Guidelines

  • Notes and tips should be preceded by "Note:" or "Tip:".
    • use emojis veery sparsely, but something like **💡 Note: ...** is nice for this purpose:

💡 Note: This is pretty noticeable!

❌ Warning: This function totally doesn't work!


  • You can add relevent discussion forum links at the end of each page in the Related Pages section.
  • Update broken links to use like so: [Link Text](*/

Deprecated Information

  • Some information, links, or tools may no longer be useful or valid for Homeworld Remastered. You can strike-through the text like this ~~strike-through~~, or delete/replace the information and any related links to it.

Related Pages

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️