Page Index - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki
160 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- "explain" show sql execution procedure
- a sample code and step by step upload to python PIP repo
- a typical Nginx service file and a Nginx route yaml for Use in Open SHift
- Airflow simple DAG example
- Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Azure Compute Gallery (formerly Shared Image Gallery):
- an approach to handle multi node elastic search
- analysis a company's future value
- ansible role and its directory structure
- Ansible serial feature usage and example
- ansible small example , one play book call 3 roles
- Argo CD and helm is not designed for S2I , but it can leverage S2i with certain setting
- ARgo CD and OpenShift , Kubernetes
- Argo CD auto roll back manually changes or changes which are not committed through GitHub
- Argo CD it self can not build Image , need ArgoCD updater or Jenkins, or other CI tool
- Argo CD updater work with ARgo CD in Open shift and Kubernetes
- ArgoCD deployment scenario
- ArgoCD need work with Jenkins or other cicd tool
- Automatic Instrumentation with Datadog APM
- AWS control Tower set up
- bash =, ‐ge,‐le or Numeric , string comparison
- Bash, $@ and $*
- Build mysql or postgresql use S2I
- BuildConfig and S2I in Open Shift
- closure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST descriptiom
- ClusterIP NodeIP NodePort , in Open shift and Kubernets
- comparison of Datadog, AppDynamics, and Dynatrace in terms of tracing, logging, and performance metrics.
- ConfigMap linked to POD , deployment
- configMap referenced by Multi deployment and POD
- container switch in Open Shift
- Cordon and Uncordon Nodes
- create Kubernetes dash board port forwarding
- create Open SHift new service accoutn use yaml file
- Curl call API , flag "‐D" vs "‐d"
- curl options description
- Data source example in Terraform
- Datadog trace function
- Deploy elastic search to infrastructure node in Open Shift
- Deployment
DeploymentConfig` in OPenShift - DevOPS VS SRE
- eBPF , VS Solaris DTRACE
- ebpf for Appdynamic , Dynatrace and datadog
- eBPF Technology
- Elastic old beat agents description
- Elastic search cluster , quorum set up
- Elastic search cluster , use External load balancer or internal self managed
- Elastic search container VS no container
- Elastic Search multi hosts setting
- elastic search muti host config file : consistent and different
- Elasticsearch's Query DSL and Rest API
- [English symbols [ ( {](/unix1998/technical_notes/wiki/English-symbols-%5B-(-%7B--)
- ephemeral and permanent POD in Jenkins and Open Shift
- Example Helm Chart for Nginx
- FFDC log in websphere
- Four Golden Signals
- General steps to shutdown a Open shift clutser
- generators and the yield statement in Python
- GitLab CI CD Features
- google golab usage
- Groovy DSL in Jenkins
- hadoop 4 components
- HashiCorp Vault's free tier : how do we use it with an example
- helm , jenkins and argo CD example
- Helm cover deployment to external exposing example
- helm tiller does not existed since Helm 3
- IBM J9 or Eclipse open J9 error file.
- information captured in trace
- instrumentation automatically setting of datadog Appdynamic and Dynatrace
- Java heap analysis
- java thread dump and ps ‐o ‐ef , figure out which thread consume the largest portion of cpu , mem etc
- Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin , how create new pod
- Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin Overview
- jenkins master outside of Open Shift , use Kubernetes plugin
- Jenkins Typical pipeline leverage Groovy closure
- jenkins use dynamic agent wit Kubernetes plugin or oc helm command line
- jvm hotspot hs_err_pid.log file
- kafka fail‐over
- kafka retention period setting
- Kind list in new OpenSHift
- Kubernetes and OpenShift, several key types of workload resources (deployments or applications)
- Kubernetes Dashborad creating
- Kubernetes deploy and description
- Kubernetes deploy nginx example
- Kubernetes ingress controller use nginx
- Kubernetes Open Shift built‐in roles
- Kubernetes plugin , additional description
- Kustomize and overlay in Kubernetes Open SHift
- ldap server Open shift setup by Chat GPT
- ldap server setup by Gemini
- Linux , Solaris scan Fiber channel storage , and get LUN ID
- Linux VS Solaris boot processes
- master‐config.yaml in Open Shift
- MAT , and Native memory of JAVA
- maven central library
- maven Jboss plugin example
- Most Common resource Name of AWS , azure can be used in Terrform TF file
- mvn common commands
- mvn repository setting in setting.xml and pom.xml
- nginx use volume , PVC and PV in Open shift
- non‐prescription options that may support your digestive system.
- oc new‐app VS oc apply several YAML files .
- OC use selector to handle applications
- on‐premise and SaaS offering of Datadog , Dynatrace , Appdynamic , splunk
- Open shift , automatically load balancer and fail‐over , Jenkins as a sample deployment
- Open shift and Kubernetes admin
- open shift backup etcc and velero
- Open shift built‐in Image registry
- Open shift deploy‐config.yaml with route ready : we need oc expose it
- Open shift OC use S2I and use my self 's docker build steps
- Open Shift PV and PVC
- Open SHift RBAC role exampel YAML file
- Open shift route and Ingress
- Open shift Route ingress and underlying cloud load balancer
- open shift service account
- OPen Shift template YAML file usage and example
- Open shift use ingress and route
- OPen shitf PV PVC to mount to multi‐replica deployment
- open telemetry trace setting , automation and manually change a bit code
- Openshift , CRI‐o , Crun and runc
- OpenSHift CNI , route and Ingress
- OpenSHift Kubernetes ; Taint and Tolerations
- Port forwarding VS route in Open shift
- postgresql deployment to OpehSHift cluster example
- ps v jvm_id to check memory usage
- Public intellectuals in USA
- PV and PVC in OpenSHift
- Python @staticmethod and normal method
- Python *args & **kwargs
- Python SPark example
- Redhat linux kernel download binary ready kernel steps
- ReplicaSet in Open shift
- Rest API test sites
- Selinux and Normal Linux
- SerDes algorithm in .git folder , after I run git clone
- Service Accounts in OpenShift
- ServiceNow risk analysis
- ServiceNow ticket type
- simulate database‐style features like transactions and commits by implementing a transaction mechanism within your
class - SRE principles
- STatefulSet Typical applications list
- Steps to Forward Logs Using Fluentd in Open Shift
- storage class , PV and PVC in Open shift
- TCP 3‐way handshake VS ssl tls handshakes
- Technical Node of DevOps SRE
- Terraform module
- terraform provisioner local_exec , variable input example
- Terraform SRE build
- terraformer to generate terraform file from existing azure infrastructure
- terrform modules dry run use "local_exec" , has dev and qa module
- test speaker in windows 11 home laptop
- The procedure of GITOPS methodology : update a Nginx config file ,leverage Open Shift ConfigMap
- the work anecdote
- TICK observability Platform
- TLS Termination Types in OpenShift
- to remove a deployment and check associated components
- Typical Trace Information of an Observability platform
- Unix bash string comparison and numeric comparison
- Unix Globbing and noclobber
- Use ECR (aws container registry ) as S2I registry
- What is a Module in Terraform?