Rest API test sites - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki

There are several free websites you can use to test REST APIs, acting as alternatives to Postman or curl commands for HTTP method testing. Here are a few popular options:

1. RESTful API Testing Tools:

  • RESTBin (free):

    • A user-friendly and popular choice.
    • Allows you to send requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and view responses in a clear format.
    • Offers features like code snippets in various languages, response manipulation, and basic authentication.
  • ReqBin (free):

    • Another well-regarded option with a clean interface.
    • Supports a wide range of HTTP methods and allows customization of request headers and body content.
    • Provides response previews and code snippets for different programming languages.
  • (free):

    • A comprehensive testing ground for various HTTP methods and features.
    • Offers functionalities like basic authentication testing, POST request with JSON or form data, and testing specific HTTP headers.
    • Great for exploring different HTTP behaviors.

2. Online Debuggers and Code Editors:

  • (free):

    • Primarily an online code editor, but its built-in HTTP client allows you to send requests and view responses directly within the editor.
    • Supports various programming languages and provides code completion and syntax highlighting.
  • HURL (free):

    • A web-based debugging tool with HTTP request capabilities.
    • Allows building requests with different HTTP methods, headers, and body content.
    • Provides response previews and code snippets for various languages.

3. Browser Developer Tools:

  • Built-in browser developer tools (free): Most web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) have built-in developer tools that include a network tab.
    • This tab allows you to inspect network requests made by the browser, essentially acting as a basic HTTP client.
    • You can view request details (method, URL, headers, body), analyze responses, and test different HTTP methods.

Choosing the Right Tool:

The best option for you depends on your specific needs:

  • For a user-friendly interface and basic testing: RESTBin, ReqBin, or are great choices.
  • For code integration and testing within your development environment: or HURL could be suitable.
  • For quick testing while browsing a web application: Browser developer tools offer a convenient option.

Remember, these free websites provide a good starting point for REST API testing. For more advanced features and functionalities, you might consider exploring paid API testing tools or self-hosting solutions.