ldap server setup by Gemini - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki

Here's a step-by-step procedure to set up authorization in your OpenShift cluster using a remote LDAP server:


  • OpenShift Cluster Access: You'll need administrative access to your OpenShift cluster to create and manage necessary resources.
  • Remote LDAP Server: Ensure your LDAP server is accessible from the OpenShift cluster nodes.
  • LDAP Server Details: Gather information about your LDAP server, including:
    • Hostname or IP address
    • Port number (typically 389 for LDAP)
    • Base DN (Distinguished Name) for user searches
    • User filter (LDAP search filter to identify authorized users)
    • Bind DN and password (optional, for searching with elevated privileges)


  1. Create LDAP Secret:

    • This secret stores the bind password (if required) for accessing your LDAP server.
    • Use the oc create secret command:
    oc create secret generic ldap-credentials \
      --from-literal=bindDN=<your_bind_dn> \
    • Replace <your_bind_dn> and <your_bind_password> with the actual values from your LDAP server configuration (omit these options if not using bind DN).
  2. Create LDAP ConfigMap:

    • This config map defines the connection details and search parameters for your LDAP server.
    • Use the oc create configmap command:
    oc create configmap ldap-config \
      --from-literal=uri=ldap://<your_ldap_server_host>:<your_ldap_server_port> \
      --from-literal=baseDN=<your_ldap_base_dn> \
      --from-literal=userFilter=<your_ldap_user_filter> \
      --from-literal=insecure=true (optional, set to false if using TLS)
    • Replace the placeholders with your actual values:
      • <your_ldap_server_host>: Hostname or IP address of your LDAP server
      • <your_ldap_server_port>: Port number of your LDAP server (usually 389)
      • <your_ldap_base_dn>: Base DN for user searches within your LDAP directory
      • <your_ldap_user_filter>: LDAP search filter to identify authorized users (e.g., (uid={username}))
      • <insecure=true>: Set to false if your LDAP server uses TLS encryption
  3. Create LDAP Identity Provider (IDP) Resource:

    • This resource defines how OpenShift interacts with your LDAP server for user authentication.
    • Use the oc apply -f command with a YAML file specifying the IDP configuration:
    apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
    kind: IdentityProvider
      name: ldap-idp
      type: LDAP
        userPrefix: ""  # Optional user prefix for usernames
        userField: username  # LDAP attribute representing username
        idField: uid  # Optional LDAP attribute representing user ID
      # Reference to the secrets and configmap you created
        name: ldap-credentials
        name: ldap-config
    • Save this YAML configuration in a file (e.g., ldap-idp.yaml) and apply it using:
    oc apply -f ldap-idp.yaml
  4. Verify and Test:

    • After applying the configuration, you can verify if OpenShift recognizes the LDAP IDP:
    oc get idps
    • This should list the ldap-idp you created.
    • To test user authentication with LDAP, attempt logging in to the OpenShift web console or using oc login with an LDAP username.

Additional Considerations:

  • Security: Consider using TLS encryption for communication with your LDAP server (set insecure=false in the config map).
  • Group Sync (Optional): You can optionally configure group sync to map LDAP groups to OpenShift roles or project access using the openshift-auth-ldap-sync project. Refer to the OpenShift documentation for detailed instructions.


**By following these