Most Common resource Name of AWS , azure can be used in Terrform TF file - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki

When working with Terraform to provision resources on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure, there are several common resources that you'll frequently encounter and use in your .tf files. Here's a list of some of the most common resources for AWS and Azure:

AWS Resources:

  1. EC2 Instance: aws_instance
  2. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): aws_vpc
  3. Subnet: aws_subnet
  4. Internet Gateway: aws_internet_gateway
  5. Route Table: aws_route_table
  6. Security Group: aws_security_group
  7. Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volume: aws_ebs_volume
  8. Elastic Load Balancer (ELB): aws_lb
  9. Auto Scaling Group: aws_autoscaling_group
  10. Route 53 Record: aws_route53_record
  11. S3 Bucket: aws_s3_bucket
  12. IAM User/Role/Policy: aws_iam_user, aws_iam_role, aws_iam_policy
  13. RDS Instance: aws_db_instance
  14. Lambda Function: aws_lambda_function
  15. CloudWatch Metric Alarm: aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
  16. Elastic Container Service (ECS): aws_ecs_cluster, aws_ecs_service, aws_ecs_task_definition

Azure Resources:

  1. Virtual Machine: azurerm_virtual_machine
  2. Virtual Network (VNet): azurerm_virtual_network
  3. Subnet: azurerm_subnet
  4. Network Security Group (NSG): azurerm_network_security_group
  5. Public IP Address: azurerm_public_ip
  6. Load Balancer: azurerm_lb
  7. Storage Account: azurerm_storage_account
  8. Blob Storage Container: azurerm_storage_container
  9. Managed Disk: azurerm_managed_disk
  10. SQL Database: azurerm_sql_database
  11. App Service Plan: azurerm_app_service_plan
  12. App Service: azurerm_app_service
  13. Function App: azurerm_function_app
  14. Cosmos DB Account: azurerm_cosmosdb_account
  15. Key Vault: azurerm_key_vault
  16. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): azurerm_kubernetes_cluster

Common Concepts:

  1. Resource Group: Both AWS and Azure have the concept of a resource group to organize resources. In Terraform, you might interact with resource groups as well: aws_resource_group, azurerm_resource_group.
  2. Network Interface: Both AWS and Azure use network interfaces for connecting resources to networks: aws_network_interface, azurerm_network_interface.

These are just a selection of common resources. Depending on your specific infrastructure requirements and use case, you may encounter and use additional resources. Always refer to the official Terraform documentation and the provider-specific documentation for a comprehensive list of available resources and their attributes.