Python @staticmethod and normal method - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki

In Python, classes can have static methods, and class methods, and normal method ,normal method can be regarded as Dynamic method ? many programmes think python don't have explicit dynamic methods in class .

Here’s a detailed explanation of each:

Dynamic Methods (Instance Methods)

  • Definition: These are methods that operate on an instance of the class (an object). They take the instance (self) as their first parameter.
  • Example:
    class MyClass:
        def instance_method(self):
            print(f"Called instance_method of {self}")
    obj = MyClass()
    obj.instance_method()  # Output: Called instance_method of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x...>

Static Methods

  • Definition: Static methods do not take self or cls as their first parameter. They behave like regular functions but belong to the class’s namespace.
  • Decorator: @staticmethod
  • Example:
    class MyClass:
        def static_method():
            print("Called static_method")
    MyClass.static_method()  # Output: Called static_method
    obj = MyClass()
    obj.static_method()  # Output: Called static_method

Class Methods

  • Definition: Class methods take cls as their first parameter, representing the class itself. They can modify class state that applies across all instances of the class.
  • Decorator: @classmethod
  • Example:
    class MyClass:
        class_variable = "class value"
        def class_method(cls):
            print(f"Called class_method of {cls}")
            print(f"Class variable: {cls.class_variable}")
    MyClass.class_method()  # Output: Called class_method of <class '__main__.MyClass'>
                             # Output: Class variable: class value

Adding Methods Dynamically

You can add methods to a class or an instance dynamically at runtime. This demonstrates the flexibility of Python's object system:

Adding a Method to an Instance

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

def dynamic_method(self):
    print(f"Dynamic method called with value: {self.value}")

obj = MyClass(10)
obj.dynamic_method = dynamic_method.__get__(obj)
obj.dynamic_method()  # Output: Dynamic method called with value: 10

Adding a Method to a Class

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

def dynamic_class_method(self):
    print(f"Dynamic class method called with value: {self.value}")

MyClass.dynamic_class_method = dynamic_class_method

obj = MyClass(20)
obj.dynamic_class_method()  # Output: Dynamic class method called with value: 20


  • Dynamic (Instance) Methods: Methods defined within a class that operate on instances of the class, taking self as the first parameter.
  • Static Methods: Methods that do not take self or cls as parameters, defined with the @staticmethod decorator.
  • Class Methods: Methods that take cls as the first parameter, defined with the @classmethod decorator.
  • Dynamic Addition: Both instance methods and class methods can be added dynamically at runtime, showcasing Python's dynamic capabilities.