mvn repository setting in setting.xml and pom.xml - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki

Maven artifact repository URLs can be configured in both the settings.xml and pom.xml files. However, they serve different purposes and are used in different contexts.

1. settings.xml

The settings.xml file is located in the Maven installation directory (MAVEN_HOME/conf/settings.xml) or in the user's home directory (~/.m2/settings.xml). This file is used to configure global settings for Maven, including repositories, credentials, and proxies.

Example settings.xml Configuration

Here is an example of how to configure repositories in settings.xml:

<settings xmlns=""



2. pom.xml

The pom.xml file is the project-specific configuration file. You can define repositories in the pom.xml to ensure that they are used specifically for that project.

Example pom.xml Configuration

Here is an example of how to configure repositories in pom.xml:

<project xmlns=""




Key Differences

  • Global vs. Project-Specific: settings.xml is used for global configurations across all Maven projects for a user or installation, whereas pom.xml is specific to a single project.
  • Profiles: settings.xml can activate profiles globally, while pom.xml can define and activate profiles specific to the project.
  • Credentials: It is common to store repository credentials in settings.xml to keep them separate from the project configuration.

Best Practices

  1. Credentials: Store sensitive information like repository credentials in settings.xml to keep your pom.xml clean and secure.
  2. Global Repositories: Configure common repositories that are used across multiple projects in settings.xml.
  3. Project-Specific Repositories: Use pom.xml for repositories specific to a single project or that should override the global settings.

By configuring repositories appropriately in either settings.xml or pom.xml, you can ensure that Maven resolves dependencies and plugins correctly based on your project's requirements and your environment setup.

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