maven Jboss plugin example - unix1998/technical_notes GitHub Wiki

Maven has plugins for interacting with JBoss (now part of Red Hat's WildFly project). One commonly used plugin for deploying to JBoss/WildFly is the wildfly-maven-plugin. This plugin allows you to deploy JAR/WAR files to a remote JBoss/WildFly server and perform server management tasks like restarting the server.

Steps to Set Up pom.xml for JBoss/WildFly Deployment

  1. Add the wildfly-maven-plugin to your pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""


                    <port>9990</port> <!-- Management port -->

Key Configuration Options:

  • hostname: The hostname or IP address of your remote JBoss/WildFly server.
  • port: The management port of the JBoss/WildFly server (default is 9990).
  • username and password: Credentials for accessing the management console.

Commands to Deploy and Manage Applications:

  • Deploy: Deploys the application to the remote server.
    mvn wildfly:deploy
  • Redeploy: Redeploys the application, which is useful if the application is already deployed.
    mvn wildfly:redeploy
  • Undeploy: Undeploys the application from the remote server.
    mvn wildfly:undeploy

Example pom.xml with Deployment Profiles:

You can also create Maven profiles to manage different environments (e.g., development, testing, production).

<project xmlns=""



Using Profiles:

To deploy using a specific profile, you can use the -P flag with Maven commands:

mvn clean package -Pdev wildfly:deploy


mvn clean package -Pprod wildfly:deploy


By configuring the wildfly-maven-plugin in your pom.xml, you can easily deploy JAR/WAR files to a remote JBoss/WildFly server and manage server operations directly through Maven commands. This setup simplifies the deployment process and integrates it seamlessly into your Maven build lifecycle.

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