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Getting started

Rikai's chatbots exists on both WeChat's Official Acount and Mini Program. In both cases, the websites that you'll be using are the same.

These are the relevant websites depending on the service you have with Rikai

  1. rikai-bots.com (also known as ZAT) Everyone should have their own rikai-bots website provided. This is where the structure of the bot is built and edited.

  2. bot-wiz.com (also known as NAP) This is where the AI comes in and in built on top on BAP. Here, you train the bot to become smarter and understand more of what users are saying. Not everyone will have this as it depends on the services that you signed.

  3. amplitude.com This is a third party website where we run our analytics.

Mini Program Chatbot (ZAT)

We call our Mini Program bots "Minibot". Go through the links below to become a chatbot scripter in no time. Don't worry its super simple! You don't need any coding knowledge to learn this

Official Account Chatbot (ZAT)

NAP (fast)