Introduction to stories - rikai-network/docs GitHub Wiki

Before: Introduction to Minibot editor

Before we carry on building the new story, let me introduce some terms that I'll be using.

On the left are the widgets that you will be using. Think of widgets as blocks that you can add into the chatbot. image

For example, ZAT-MSG is a message and ZAT-MENU is a button sent by the bot to the users! image

We call the selected parts groups. groups function to contain nodes within the story. Like a story, the bot does not go from one group to the other unless routed. image

A node is made up of a widget and text. Unlike a story and group, nodes play out from top to bottom automatically within a group. image

A way you can picture a story, group & node is a story book. The story is the book itself and every book should have a unque name to differentiate the books. The groups are the chapters in the book and the group names only have to be unique within the book. The nodes are the different paragraphs and images that make up a chapter!

Up next: Creating your first story