Creating your first story - rikai-network/docs GitHub Wiki

Before: Introduction to stories

  • Create a group by clicking on "+". image

  • ALWAYS name the first group "start". It is what the bot will look for when it enters a story. image

Let's start off by going through some of the most commonly used widgets.

  • ZAT-MSG: a message from the bot to user
  • Add it into the selected group by clicking on ZAT-MSG.
  • To select a group, simply click on the name of the group. In this case, it is already selected. You can tell that it is selected when it's pink in color. image

  • ZAT-IMAGE: an image from the bot to user
  • You can input either the "path name" or a "url" under src image

  • ZAT-BLANK: this widget has all the function that ZAT-MSG has, except for the text itself.
  • This is used when you want to add certain routes or variable, without affecting what the user sees

  • ZAT-MENU: a button from the bot to user
  • Users can click on the button as a reply to the bot
  • Multiple buttons is supported. All you have to so is click on the "+" button.
  • Notice the route field? This is where the routing to another group can be done. Routing is possible in all widget types. image

Up next: Basic routing in MP