Adding KOLs - rikai-network/docs GitHub Wiki

Setup Customer Service Plugin

Note: We have added the plug in for you. You can skip this section

  1. Sign in to 微信公众平台.
  2. For the first time using the platform, you need to add a customer service plug in 功能 > 添加新功能插件 > 客服功能. customer service plugin customer service plugin
  3. Subsequently, 客服功能 can be seen under the 功能 menu. customer service plugin

Adding New Accounts

To use a custom icon for chats you need to add a “Customer Service” (CS) account for each icon. This needs to be linked with an actual WeChat account. However, no messages will be sent to that account. So it doesn’t matter what account it links to - it doesn’t have to be the real KOLs’ account. This is how to add a new CS account.

  1. On the 微信公众平台 select 客服功能 > 添加客服. customer service plugin
  2. A window will pop up. Fill in the name of KOL and upload a picture of KOL. customer service plugin
  3. Click 下一步.
  4. Enter WeChat ID of KOL into the field and click 验证. KOL’s own WeChat display picture should appear. Note: File size should not exceed 5M
  5. Click 邀请绑定. customer service plugin
  6. You will see the window below with the newly added KOL. customer service plugin
  7. After adding KOL on 微信公众平台 go to Rikai Dashboard
  8. Navigate to Console and click SYNC KFACCOUNTS. customer service plugin
  9. Click OK. customer service plugin
  10. You will see the window below. You have successfully added a new CS account. customer service plugin customer service plugin

Up next: Adding Media