Creating your first FAQ (fast) - rikai-network/docs GitHub Wiki

Before: Introduction to NAP (fast)

  • Click on New FAQ image

  • Always leave batch as 1.
  • cname is what you name the FAQ that you're creating. It needs to be unique and should quickly give you an idea of what the FAQ is about. In the example, "nameWhat" can very quickly tell you that its asking "What is your name?".
  • question is what you expect the user to input. Try to input a standard way of asking the question. For example, "What is your name?".
  • answer contains the reply that you want the bot to give when it receives this particular FAQ. image image

  • Click on save and scroll down.
  • Time to train your bot to get smart! Under "Add Training Items" Add different ways you would ask the same question. In this case, it can be "I want to know your name." or "How can I address you?"
  • Click submit! image

Congrats you just created your very first FAQ! We're almost there.

  • After clicking submit, you'll notice that the values are 0%. This indicates that these items are not trained in the system yet. image
  • All you have to do is to click "ReTrain" and the system will train the bot!
  • This process usually takes about 100 seconds so a tip is to add more questions and train them all at one go when you're done. image

Check training log

  • Click on "Training Log". image
  • To check if training has started, look for "START fullTrain". image
  • To check if the training is complete, click on Training Log and look out for "COMPLETED". When this text appears, training is complete! image

Up next: Linking NAP to Mini Program bot (fast)

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