Page Index - pret/pokecrystal GitHub Wiki
166 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Pages
- Add a fourth stats page
- Add a Move Relearner
- Add a Move Reminder
- Add a new battle transition
- Add a new field move effect
- Add a new fishing rod
- Add a new item
- Add a new map and landmark
- Add a new map object movement behavior
- Add a new Mart
- Add a new move
- Add a new move effect
- Add a new music command to change drumkits
- Add a new music song
- Add a new overworld sprite
- Add a new Pack pocket
- Add a new party menu icon
- Add a new phone contact
- Add a new player gender
- Add a new Pokémon
- Add a new radio channel
- Add a new scene script
- Add a new spawn point
- Add a new text scrolling speed
- Add a new tileset
- Add a new TM or HM
- Add a new trainer class
- Add a new type
- Add a new Unown form
- Add a new Unown puzzle chamber
- Add a new wild Pokémon slot
- Add a third trainer card page for Kanto badges
- Add an About Page to the Intro Menu
- Add Hail as a new weather condition
- Add macros to support modern audio files in legacy pokecrystal
- Add more music that changes at night
- Add more palettes for battle animations
- Add spinner tiles from Generation I Rocket Hideout
- Adding a Tradeback NPC
- Adding an NPC that gives you a Pokémon
- Adding an NPC that gives you an item
- Adding items that act like HMs
- Allow fishing while surfing
- Allow map tiles to appear above sprites (so NPCs can walk behind tiles) with PRIORITY colors
- Allow more than 15 object_events per map
- Allow more trainer parties, with individual DVs, stat experience, nicknames, variable teams, etc
- Allow tall grass in forests
- Allow tiles to have different attributes in different blocks (including X and Y flip)
- Allow using a field move if the Pokemon can learn it
- Assembly programming
- Automatic battle weather on certain maps
- Automatically reuse Repel
- Badge Level Caps
- Battle Autoprompts
- Branches
- Change the default Player and Rival names
- Code cleanup
- Color party menu icons by species
- Color Pokémon pictures shown in overworld
- Colored trainer card badges
- Correct grammar for plural trainers like Twins
- Create Battle Palettes for Different Times of Day ( Environments, Weather Changes)
- Create Battle Palettes for Different Times of Day and Environments
- Custom order for the Old Pokédex mode
- Customizable Pokédex Color
- Diagonal stairs
- Disable jumping over ledges onto obstacle tiles or NPCs
- Discovering GameShark cheat codes
- Display more information on the move screen
- Dive
- Don't gain experience at level 100
- Don't lose HP from poisoning in the overworld
- Edit the battle HUD
- Edit the male and female player colors
- Edit the Town Map
- Erratic and Fluctuating experience growth rates
- Evolution moves
- Evolve while holding an item
- Expand the Town Map tileset
- Expand the Town Map tileset Alternate
- Expand tilesets from 192 to 255 tiles
- Fight a copy of your own party in the Trainer House
- Fishing has a chance to catch items
- Fix ReadNoiseSample 'inc a' distorting channel 4 percussion
- Fix RIVAL1's first pokemon not having a held item
- Force Set battle style or forbid item usage in battle
- Gain experience from catching Pokémon
- Game Freak devs
- Generation 6 Experience System
- Grant Grass type Pokémon immunity to Powder Spore based moves
- Hard coded logic
- Harvest multiple items from fruit trees
- How To Add a Pocket PC
- How to edit the splash screen
- How to find ROM offsets
- How to Improve the Drum Channel
- Improve the enemy trainer AI
- Improve the event initialization system
- Improve the outdoor sprite system
- Improve the trainer rematch system
- Improving the Swarm System
- Increase Pokémon sprite animation size
- Infinitely reusable TMs
- Inverse Battles
- Kurt Makes Pokeballs Instantly
- Level cap
- Links
- Lose money proportional to badges and level
- Make evening the fourth time of day
- Make new battle text to distinguish status move misses and fails
- Make Sandstorm raise the Special Defense of Rock type Pokémon by 50%
- Make the field move Headbutt work with Kanto trees
- Make the Lottery Corner generate a lucky number daily instead of weekly
- Make time and weather sensitive moves only weather dependent
- Make wild Pokémon encounter levels vary
- Modify existing gender formula
- Move Tutor and Tutor Moves
- Name the rival during the intro
- Optimizing assembly code
- Option to show shiny colors in Pokédex
- Password system
- Physical Special split
- Prevent Steel‐types from being poisoned by Twineedle
- Print text when you lose a trainer battle
- Puddles that splash when you walk
- Reduce the command queue system to just stone tables
- Regional forms
- Remove Pokémon sprite animations
- Remove stat experience
- Remove the 25% failure chance for AI status moves
- Remove the artificial save delay
- Remove the gym badges boosts
- Remove the redundant move grammar table
- Removing the intro
- Replace Menu Account with a small clock in the corner of the screen
- Replace stat experience with EVs
- Replace the Freeze status with Frostbite
- Restore and localize the Japanese move grammar table
- Restore the GS Ball Celebi Event
- Reviving Pokémon from Fossils (Gen I)
- Rock Climb
- Running Shoes
- Running with animations
- Set DVs to 0 for all your Pokemon
- Short beeping noise for low HP
- Show an icon for the current Time of Day
- Show an icon for the current weather
- Show move names for TMs and HMs when receiving or buying
- Show the tops of leaders heads on the trainer card
- Sideways stairs with diagonal movement
- Simplify the Clock Reset Procedure
- Smashing rocks has a chance to contain items
- Sound engine commands (2019)
- Splash a Pokédex Entry from an Overworld Event (Generation I)
- Survive poisoning with 1 HP
- SWSH Friendship Endure
- Tips and tricks
- Togglable Infinite Repel
- Trashcan puzzle in Vermilion Gym
- Tutorials
- Use GS SGB palettes for maps
- Use unique colors for each thrown Poké Ball
- Useful unused data and routines
- Wall to wall carpeting in your room