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Chart settings specification
(🔧)Common setting available / (🌎)Multilingual support / (◇)Setting by chart / (◆)Split format by chart
Settings that are frequently used or may be used at key points are bolded.
🎶 Music & chart information
- musicTitle (🌎) :pencil: Music and artist information
- difData (🔧, ◇) :pencil: Chart information
- dosNo (◇) :pencil: Set chart file number and chart number assigned to chart
- musicUrl :pencil: Music file locations setting
- musicNo (◇) :pencil: Associating music files with charts
- musicFolder :pencil: Music file directory location
- dummyId (◇) :pencil: Specify chart number to assign to dummy chart
⏳ Play time control & music position adjustment
- startFrame (◇) :pencil: Number of frames to start playing
- blankFrame :pencil: Number of blank frames until the start of the music
- endFrame (◇) :pencil: Number of frames out of play
- fadeFrame (◇) :pencil: Number of fade-out start frames
- adjustment (◇) :pencil: Initial adjustment of chart position
- playbackRate :pencil: Music playback speed (mainly for test play)
- unStockCategory (🔧) :pencil: List of types that do not retain data before fade-in
- word/back/maskStockForceDel (🔧) :pencil: Set pattern to not retain data before fade-in
🛠 Initial settings in settings screen
- minSpeed :pencil: Minimum speed that can be set
- maxSpeed :pencil: Maximum speed that can be set
- difSelectorUse :pencil: Enable/disable chart selection selector
- scoreDetailUse (chartDetailUse) (🌎) :pencil: Enable/disable chart details display
- settingUse (🔧) :pencil: Availability of configuration items
- motionUse, scrollUse, shuffleUse, ... etc
- displayUse (🔧) :pencil: Availability of Display item, initial value setting
- stepZoneUse, judgmentUse, fastSlowUse, ... etc
- displayChainOFF :pencil: Linkage OFF setting of Display item
- backgroundChainOFF, arrowEffectChainOFF, specialChainOFF, ... etc
- transKeyUse (◇) :pencil: Availability of another key mode
- keyGroupOrder (◇) :pencil: Setting of partial key type groups that can be configured in Key Config
- customFont :pencil: General screen fonts
- customGauge (🔧, ◆) :pencil: Custom Gauge Settings
- gaugeX (🔧, ◇, ◆) :pencil: Gauge Setting Details
- gaugeEasy, gaugeHard, gaugeLight, ... etc
- colorDataType :pencil: Color change past compatibility setting
- colorCdPaddingUse :pencil: Zero padding for initial arrow color and freeze-arrow color
⏯ Initial settings during play
Arrow and freeze arrow color settings
- setColor (◆) :pencil: Initial color setting of arrows (frames) for each color group
- frzColor (◆) :pencil: Initial color settings for freeze-arrows for each color group
- setShadowColor (◆) :pencil: Fill settings and color settings for the inside of the arrow
- frzShadowColor (◆) :pencil: Fill and color settings for the inside of the freeze-arrow
- defaultColorgrd :pencil: Automatic gradient setting
- defaultFrzColorUse (🔧) :pencil: Whether to use the default set when the initial color of the freeze arrow is unspecified
- frzScopeFromAC (🔧) :pencil: Setting the range within which the arrow color change is automatically applied to the freeze-arrow color change
Setting the play screen position
- playingX / playingY (🔧) :pencil: X, Y coordinate of game display area
- playingWidth / playingHeight (🔧) :pencil: Width or height of game display area
- customCreditWidth :pencil: Width of custom credit area
- scArea (🔧) :pencil: Shortcut key display width expansion setting
- stepY :pencil: Y coordinate position of step zone
- stepYR :pencil: Difference from the current Y coordinate position of the step zone (bottom)
- arrowJdgY / frzJdgY :pencil: Y coordinate position of judgment character
- jdgPosReset :pencil: Reset judgment character position setting (when Background:OFF)
- bottomWordSet :pencil: Setting to link the bottom lyric display position to the step zone position
- wordAutoReverse (🔧) :pencil: Setting for conditional reversal of lyrics display at reverse
Life gauge and judgment related settings
- maxLifeVal :pencil: Maximum life value
- frzStartjdgUse (🔧) :pencil: Freeze-arrow starting point judgment setting
- frzAttempt :pencil: Number of frames allowed for freeze-arrow hit
- excessiveJdgUse (🔧) :pencil: Excessive miss judgment setting
Screen display and key Controls
- readyDelayFrame :pencil: Number of delayed frames until "Ready?" text
- readyAnimationFrame :pencil: Number of animation frames for "Ready?" text
- readyAnimationName :pencil: "Ready?" text animation
- readyColor :pencil: First color setting for "Ready?" text
- readyHtml :pencil: Text setting for "Ready?" text
- finishView :pencil: Full Combo Staging
- keyRetry :pencil: Setting shortcut keys for retries
- keyTitleBack :pencil: Setting shortcut key to return to title screen
⚓️ Initial settings for title and result screens
- commentVal (🌎) :pencil: Setting comments to be displayed on the title screen
- commentAutoBr :pencil: Setting to automatically insert line break tags when displaying comments
- commentExternal :pencil: Setting to place comments outside of the body
- masktitleButton :pencil: Enable/disable a set of buttons on the title screen
- resultDelayFrame :pencil: Number of delay frames until CLEARED/FAILED is displayed
- maskresultButton :pencil: Enable/disable a group of buttons on result screen
- resultMotionSet :pencil: ON/OFF setting of result motion
- resultFormat (🔧) :pencil: Result data Format setting
- resultValsView (🔧) :pencil: Custom variable image display settings for results data
🏙 Importing custom data
- customJs (🔧, 🌎) :pencil: Specify custom js file
- customCss (🔧, 🌎) :pencil: Specify custom css file
- preloadImages :pencil: Preload image file settings
- autoPreload :pencil: Auto loading settings for image files
- skinType (🔧) :pencil: Skin setting
- bgCanvasUse (🔧) :pencil: Setting whether to use Canvas data as background for default skin
- settingType :pencil: Common setting name
- imgType (🔧) :pencil: Basic image set names and settings for arrows, freeze arrows, etc.
- baseBright :pencil: Lightness/darkness status of background
- syncBackPath (🔧) :pencil: Setting the reference basis directory for images used in background and mask motion
🍂 Use of default design
- customTitleUse (🔧) :pencil: Title characters
- customTitleArrowUse (🔧) :pencil: Title background arrow
- customTitleAnimationUse (🔧) :pencil: Title animation setting
- customBackUse (🔧) :pencil: Background (except for play screen)
- customBackMainUse (🔧) :pencil: Background (play screen)
- customReadyUse (🔧) :pencil: Play Direction at start
🌟 Title text effect (default design)
- titleSize (🌎) :pencil: Title character's font size
- titleFont (🌎) :pencil: Font setting for title character
- titlegrd / titleArrowgrd (🌎) :pencil: Gradient settings for title text and background arrows in title screen
- titlePos (🌎) :pencil: Set X, Y coordinate position of title character
- titleLineHeight (🌎) :pencil: Line spacing size for multiple lines of title text
- titleAnimation (🌎):pencil: Title animation setting
- titleAnimationClass (🌎):pencil: Title animation class setting
- titleArrowName :pencil: Title background arrow's type
📋 Game window and credits
- autoSpread (🔧) :pencil: Automatic width expansion setting
- windowWidth (🔧) :pencil: Screen window width
- windowHeight (🔧) :pencil: Screen window height
- heightVariable (🔧) :pencil: Variable screen window height setting
- windowAlign (🔧) :pencil: Screen window position
- tuning (🔧, 🌎) :pencil: Maker Credits
- makerView :pencil: Display setting of maker's name by chart
- hashTag :pencil: Hash Tag
- releaseDate :pencil: Work release date
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