dos h0081 baseBright - cwtickle/danoniplus-docs GitHub Wiki

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Home > Chart settings specification > Importing custom data

| <- imgType | baseBright | syncBackPath -> |


  • Lightness/darkness status of background


|baseBright=true|  // Treat the background as light


Sets whether to force the background to be treated as light or dark. This is not used to actually change the background color, but rather to switch the associated ColorType between light and dark. The default is false, but the initial value changes depending on whether the color specified in the .title_base class in the CSS is light or not.

Value Default Description
false (*) Treat the background as dark
true Treat the background as light

Related pages


Version Change details
v21.2.0 - Initial implementation

| <- imgType | baseBright | syncBackPath -> |