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Home > Chart settings specification > Initial settings during play > Arrow and freeze arrow color settings

| <- setColor | frzColor | setShadowColor -> |


  • Initial color settings for freeze-arrows for each color group



|frzColor3=frzColor2|  // The third chart is a copy of the data of the second chart


Specifies the freeze-arrow color. The specification is in the form of "#ffffffff" or "0xffffffff". One set of four (separated by commas) represents "arrow (normal)", "bar (normal)", "arrow (hit)", and "bar (hit)" of the freeze arrow. In addition, you can change the freeze-arrow color for each arrow lane corresponding to "setColor" by listing four "$" followed by each "$".
(Since ver 27.5.0, a newline can be used as a delimiter instead of "$".)

Also, gradation by colon (:) delimiter is supported since ver12.

Additional information 1: Color completion when omitted

When defaultFrzColorUse is set to false, color completion is performed as follows.
The default is as before, completion from the default freeze-arrow set.

  • If not specified: Assigns the color specified in setColor to "arrow (normal)", "bar (normal)", "arrow (hit)", and "bar (hit)".
  • If a portion is omitted: If the first part is omitted, setColor, if the following (hit part) is omitted, the previous two are completed.
|frzColor=,,#ffff33,#ffff99| -> #9999ff,#9999ff,#ffff33,#ffff99
|frzColor=#66ffff,#8888ff|   -> #66ffff,#8888ff,#66ffff,#8888ff

Additional information 2: Individual settings for the second and later charts

  • You can set individual settings for the second and later charts.
    Specify as follows: "frzColor2", "frzColor3", ... The usage is like "frzColor2", "frzColor3", .... The usage is the same as "frzColor". If not specified, the value of "frzColor" is used as before.

Related pages


Version Change details
v36.3.0 - Extended to specify up to 10 sets.
v31.2.0 - Added a function to refer to data of other chart by specifying frzColor name of other chart.
v27.5.0 - Supports newline delimitation as an alternative to "$" delimitation
v21.1.0 - Supports individual settings for the second and subsequent charts (when splitting chart files and variable chart numbering)
v21.0.0 - Supports individual settings for the second and subsequent charts
v13.0.0 - Added color completion specification from "setColor" when omitted.
v12.0.0 - Supports gradient descriptions
v1.0.0 - Initial implementation

| <- setColor | frzColor | setShadowColor -> |