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| <- customJs | customCss | preloadImages -> |

customCss (customcss)


|customCss=danoni_custom.css,(..)special.css| // The second refers to the same directory as the work page
|customCss=*,special.css|  // The first applies the file specified in "g_presetObj.customCss"


Specify a css file to be loaded separately from the existing css file. The way to specify is the same as "customjs". The default is to refer to the css file in the "css" directory. As with other chart settingss, relative paths and same-path specifications (..) is supported.

Since ver 27.1.0, the contents specified in g_presetObj.customCss can be applied by specifying "*".
When the following is specified,

g_presetObj.customCss = `init.css`;

and if you specify the following in the chart settings,


it has the same meaning as the following definition.


Language-specific settings (Since ver32.7.0)

Common Setting Language (En) Language (Ja)
customCss customCssEn customCssJa
customcss customcssEn customcssJa

Related pages


Version Change details
v32.7.0 - Supports for camel notation designation.- Support for language-specific settings.
v27.1.0 - Implemented the ability to specify abbreviations for contents specified in the common settings file.
v25.3.0 - Initial implementation

| <- customjs | customcss | preloadImages -> |