Changelog v25 - cwtickle/danoniplus-docs GitHub Wiki

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<- v26 | v25 | v24 ->
(πŸ”– 18 Releases )

πŸ”ƒ Files changed (v25)

Directory FileName Last Updated
/js danoni_main.js πŸ“₯ v25.5.10
/js/lib danoni_constants.js πŸ“₯ v25.5.8
Changed file list before v24
Directory FileName Last Updated
/js/lib danoni_localbinary.js πŸ“₯ v15.1.0
/css danoni_main.css πŸ“₯ v21.4.2
/img aaShadow.svg
πŸ“₯ v15.1.0
/skin danoni_skin_default.css

⭐ New Features / πŸ› οΈ Improvements / 🐞 Bug Fixes
( Files changed: βšͺ danoni_main.js / πŸ”΅ danoni_constants.js / πŸ”΄ css files )

[Warning] Defect information for unsupported versions

v25.5.10 (2022-08-03)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Eliminate duplicate ID names. ( PR #1300 ) <- πŸ’₯ v11.4.0
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue where non-alphanumeric characters could be included in ID name on the chart details screen. ( PR #1300 ) <- πŸ’₯ v19.3.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v27.8.1

v25.5.9 (2022-05-22)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue that may not be able to start when a directory name contains single-byte spaces or double-byte characters. ( PR #1289 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.5.7

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v27.5.1

v25.5.8 (2022-04-16)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Support for another pattern of 11ikey assist settings. ( PR #1282 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅ / 🎣 v27.4.0

v25.5.7 (2022-04-10)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed escaping of current path and chart file acquisition part. ( PR #1277 ) <- πŸ’₯ v19.4.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v27.3.1

v25.5.6 (2022-02-20)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞C) Fixed an issue that various names cannot be overwritten when g_lblRenames is not defined. ( PR #1230 ) <- πŸ’₯ v20.3.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v26.2.0

v25.5.5 (2022-02-16)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Changed directory structure for npm environment. ( PR #1228 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v26.1.2

v25.5.4 (2022-02-05)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞C) Fixed an issue where the main screen skin extension was not working. ( PR #1220 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.3.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v26.1.0

v25.5.3 (2022-01-30)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞B) Fixed an issue that Ascii Art color does not change when the whole color changes and freeze hit. ( PR #1218 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.1.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v26.0.0

v25.5.2 (2022-01-29)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞B) Fixed an issue where changes to shuffle group and color group were not reflected. ( PR #1215, Gitter 2022-01-29 ) <- πŸ’₯ v24.5.1
  • 🐞C) Fixed an issue where the "No Record" text in the result screen overlapped with the estimated adjustment. ( PR #1216, Gitter 2022-01-29 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.5.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ
❀️ γ™γšγ‚ (@suzme), izkdic

v25.5.1 (2022-01-26)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added the ability to display the estimated adjustment value on the result screen. ( PR #1210, Gitter 2022-01-24, 25 )
  • ⭐ Separate freeze arrow tracking settings for arrow color changes. ( PR #1211, Gitter 2022-01-26 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Fixed double definitions and errors in definition comments. ( PR #1209 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ izkdic, ぷろろーぐ (@prlg25), aconite

v25.4.1 (2022-01-22)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞A) Fixed an issue where clipboard copy would fail in http environment. ( PR #1207 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.4.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ

v25.4.0 (2022-01-22)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Support for specifying the current directory for the image path used in background and mask motion. ( PR #1204 )
  • ⭐ Added support for changing the name of the key part. ( PR #1205 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Changed the clipboard copy method to use the Clipboard API. ( PR #1203 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Shared some slider processing. ( PR #1205 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅

v25.3.3 (2022-01-19)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞B) Fixed an issue where the background might not be displayed correctly when skinType is set to Default. ( PR #1201 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.3.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ

v25.3.2 (2022-01-18)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Support for 0-frame specified color change and motion data. ( PR #1199 )
  • 🐞B) Fixed an initialization error in g_scoreObj.baseFrame. ( Issue #1196, PR #1197 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.3.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ

v25.3.0 (2022-01-16)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Removed the two-file limit for customjs and skinType. ( PR #1191 )
  • ⭐ Changed custom functions, XXXInit, XXXInit2, etc., so that XXXInit2 can be called directly without XXXInit. ( PR #1191 )
  • ⭐ Implemented settings to load your own css files. ( PR #1193 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Set alternate key for Ascii Art part of 14i, 16ikey. ( PR #1192 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ izkdic

v25.2.0 (2022-01-15)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added support for horizontal scrolling when some objects are hidden in the key configuration screen. ( PR #1189 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Make page navigation between setting screens a function. ( PR #1189 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅

v25.1.0 (2022-01-07)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Implemented a conditional function to apply the same color change to freeze arrows following the color change of arrows. ( Issue #869, PR #1187 )
  • ⭐ Changed so that color change is reflected even when individual color change and overall color change are mixed during fade-in. ( Issue #1186, PR #1187 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ ぷろろーぐ (@prlg25)

v25.0.0 (2022-01-04)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Changed to retain the lyrics, background, and mask motion when fading in. ( PR #1184 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ MFV2 (@MFV2)

πŸ“” Documentation

<- v26 | v25 | v24 ->

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️