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Home > Chart settings specification > Title text effect (default design)

| <- customReadyUse || titleSize | titlefont -> |

titleSize (titlesize)

  • Title character's font size




Specifies the font size of the music title when the default music title display is used. If not specified, the size is automatically determined according to the number of characters in the music title. Starting from ver 3.5.0, the music title display has a maximum of two lines, and the second line can be specified by separating it with a comma (or $).

Language-specific settings (Since ver29.3.0)

Common Setting Language (En) Language (Ja)
titleSize titleSizeEn titleSizeJa
titlesize titlesizeEn titlesizeJa

About music title text (default design)


Related pages


Version Change details
v32.7.0 - Supports for camel notation designation.
v29.3.0 - Support for language-specific settings
v17.3.0 - Support for two lines of title title display with $ separator
v3.5.0 - Implemented two-line support for music title display. Changed to be able to specify each line size by separating them with a comma.
v2.1.0 - Initial implementation

| <- customReadyUse || titleSize | titlefont -> |