dos h0008 fadeFrame - cwtickle/danoniplus-docs GitHub Wiki

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Home > Chart settings specification > Play time control & music position adjustment

| <- endFrame | fadeFrame | adjustment -> |


  • Number of fade-out start frames


|fadeFrame=2:30| <- Pseudo timer notation


The number of frames at which to start fade-out. It can be set for each chart with "$" delimiter. It can be used in combination with "endFrame" to shift to the result screen in time with the fade-out.

The pseudo-timer notation (min:sec.difference frames) is supported.

Items Example Description
1 3600 Fade-out start frame
2 1000 Fade-out length (frames). If omitted, 420 frames (7 seconds).

Relationship between "fadeFrame", "endFrame", and result screen entry time


Related pages


Version Change details
v13.6.0 - Supports pseudo-timer notation for fade-out start frame
v8.0.0 - Changed to allow specifying the fade-out length of a music
v1.0.0 - Initial implementation

| <- endFrame | fadeFrame | adjustment -> |