Page Index - aeonSolutions/AeonLabs-Safety-Health GitHub Wiki
79 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Open Health
- 🔸Purpose of this Open Project
- 🔸The Problem
- Quantum Electrodynamics
- 🔸Definition of a Wireless Aggression
- 🔸Energy, Frequency & Vibration
- 🔸 What are the Sensors of the Human Body?
- 🔸 How Can Earth's Natural Wireless Aggressions be Detected
- K-Index
- 🔸 How Can Wireless Aggressions, Such as Microwaves and Lasers, be Detected
- Known Devices and Gadgets
- Digital Twins & Software to Model EM Radiation
- 🔸 Preventive Mindset
- ⚠️ Safety Usage of the Smart Devices Provided ⚠️
- Open Hardware Devices
- Commercial Health-related wearables, Gear and Clothing
- 🔸Total Cost of this Project
- Sponsors
- 🔸 When Someone is Involved in Some Kind of Aggression at a Distance
- Visual Signs of a Wireless Invisible Aggression
- Known Symptoms of Wireless Aggression
- 🔸How to Proceed in the Case of an Aggression
- What to do and react in case of a wireless aggression
- 🔸 Where to Complaint, Where & How to Report
- useful links
- 🔸 Medicine
- Complementary Medicines
- Conventional Western Medicine
- 🔸 Similar Projects
- 🔸 Important Publications
- Other useful information:
- Useful Websites
- Social Media
- Carbon Fiber Helmet for EM Shielding
- Commercial Health‐related wearables, Gear and Clothing
- Complementary Medicine Diagnosis Associated with Some Type of Wireless Aggression
- Complementary Medicines Known to Assist Treatment and Cure of These Kinds of Health‐Related Problems
- Conventional Medicine Diagnosis Associated with Some Type of Wireless Aggression
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
- Extremely low frequencies (ELF)
- How can directed energy weapons, such as microwaves and lasers, be detected
- How exactly does electricity travel through the human body?
- Important Publications
- Infrasonic Devices
- Ionizing Radiation
- Known Medical Conditions with Root Cause Some Type of Wireless Aggression
- Known Symptoms of Wireless Aggression
- List of known devices and gadgets known to be used to cause physical harm
- Low Frequencies
- Modelling of a Human Body's Electromagnetism
- Muscle electrostimulation: effects and frequency types
- Neuro Sensory interference and Aggression
- Neuromuscular \ Neuromotor Interference and Aggression
- Radio Frequencies
- Safety usage of the smart devices provided
- Similar Projects
- Social Media
- Software to model EM Radiation
- Static Electricity
- The minimum requirement of having a data repository
- Thermo and Hygrometer Imbalances
- Timeline Log Book of Events and History Record
- Tinnitus and Insomnias
- Useful Links
- Useful Websites
- Visual Signs of a Wireless Invisible Aggression
- What are the sensors of the human body?
- What is a Sensory Overload in a Person
- What is Sensory Manipulation Through Technology
- What is Sensory Wireless Aggression at a Distance
- What is Wireless Electronic Harassment: of a Person
- What is Wireless Sensory Substitution in a Person
- What to do and react in case of a wireless aggression
- When someone is involved in some kind of EMF...
- Where to Complaint, Where & How to Report
- Wireless AC Detector
- Wireless Aggression from Corona Discharge