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Last update:08-09-2024

Sooner or later your fingers will get itchy: once you deal with Geiger counters and with radioactivity, then you just want to try out at some time also gamma spectroscopy. But as a normal electronics hobbyist, you usually have a lot of respect for that pure physics stuff with photomultipliers, scintillators, and so forth. But once you have dared to cross this barrier, then you ask yourself why not start earlier....

Open hardware for a hackable gamma spectrometer all-in-one device using a popular NaI(Tl) scintillation crystal and a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM). Extremely affordable design for a powerful DIY gamma spectroscopy setup with a total parts cost of under around 200 USD.

Measures radioactive gamma and beta radiation with quite good resolution at typically low levels of the natural radiation (due to the big STS-6 tube) Displays the current counts per minute (CPM), estimated dose equivalent rate in micro-Sievert per hour (µS/h), and 10 minutes history with 5-second resolution as a bar graph.

Introducing OpenRad, a simple radiation monitoring solution powered by the SBM-20 GM tube and TTGO ESP32 microcontroller. this project offers a user-friendly approach to tracking and measuring radiation levels.

I finally indulged a small desire I've had ever since I was a kid and my neighbor, a physics professor, loaned me a Geiger counter to play with for a little while. There's something quite exciting about hearing a rising number of clicks signifying that you've come upon a source of invisible radioactive energy.

The overall A-GM project is aimed at providing a long-term continuous measurement of the radioactivity level. It is made of an open-source Web application running on a SOHO server (e.g. QNAP sells Small Office Home Office servers) connected to a W-GM Counter device, C-GM Counter device or a compatible GMC-320 Geiger-Muller Counters from GQ Electronics LLC. Other compatible or DIY Geiger-Muller counters could also be used. This project has been developed and is provided AS IS by AdNovea®.

Development of background radiation monitoring with IoT-based device.

This project describes how I built a Geiger Mueller (GM)-counter as an IoT device. I found in an old Russian GM-counter (from the days after the Chornobyl disaster) the 2 built-in GM-tubes of type SBM-20u (СБМ-20). The LCD display of this GM counter was broken so I decided to build a state-of-the-art GM counter which is integrated into my home network.

A mobile low-cost spectrometer for measuring ionizing radiation like alpha particles and electrons (energy range: 33 keV to 8 MeV). It's an experimental educational tool and citizen science device made for exploring natural and synthetic sources of radioactivity such as stones, airborne radon, potassium-rich salt food, and everyday objects (Uranium glass, ceramics, old Radium watches etc.).

This guide will assist you in constructing and setting up a simple spectrometer, a fundamental tool in the field of spectroscopy.

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