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Last update: 26-08-2024

Electrohypersensitive people complain of symptoms that they attribute to the proximity or use of equipment generating electromagnetic fields of different frequencies (low frequency and radio frequency range). The reported symptoms are very diverse, such as headaches, tiredness, sleep, digestion, concentration and memory problems, anxiety and depressive tendencies, cardiac arrhythmia, muscle pain…

To date, there is no specific profile of symptoms that allows a diagnosis. The symptoms can be similar to other disorders or diseases and are frequently encountered in the general population.

The majority of exposure studies conducted to date have not demonstrated a causal link between non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and the symptoms described. But the research continues. Work is underway within Sciensano to create an exposure protocol that will accurately assess the relationship between exposure and symptoms. If you are interested in this project, do not hesitate to contact us.

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